

Several seconds later, the lights all went off. As planned, everyone started screaming. It wasn't that fear type of scream, but just a scream that everyone does when something unexpected happens. 

He quickly ran outside, and met Yoonhee who was observing the chaos through the window. Jimin quickly tapped Yoonhee's shoulder, getting her attention back, as they made their way to the hose. Jimin took the end, aiming it towards the windows, and Yoonhee turned on the water. He began spraying the whole inside, with everyone now screaming out of fear. He ran towards the other windows too, to get a good aim at everyone.

After a few seconds, the two stopped and barely contained their laughter. They ran off and quickly drove away, as they now started laughing hysterically.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!!!" Yoonhee exclaimed in joy as Jimin was admiring her happiness.

"See what I told you? It would be fun," he still had such a wide grin on his face. 

"I admit...you were right," she said taking a deep breath to calm herself from the overwhelming joy.


It was already getting late, so Jimin sent me home. I quietly entered my house, and it seems like no one was home. 

Lately I've been sneaking in and out of the house a lot. I really should stop, since it leads me to making lies. 

Since I was tired, I decided to go straight to bed. I changed out of my clothes and into my fuzzy pajamas, and opened my window to let the fresh night air in. Turning off my lights, I closed my eyes and jumped into bed, as I wrapped myself in my thick blanket. The night was chilly but the air was frosty and clear, so it's the perfect sleeping weather, especially if you have a warm blanket. I gently closed my eyes, and before I knew it, I went to sleep.


"Yoonhee~" I heard a soft voice coo. Tired, and not wanting to wake up, I huffed and adjusted my position away from the noise. "Yoonhee~~"

Sighing in defeat, I opened my eyes. 


"Wake up," he said sternly once he saw me wake up. I rubbed my eyes, surprised, because he never woke me up. "I said wake up!"

Scared, I quickly jumped out of bed. He began speed walking out of the room, and I stood there very confused.

"What are you waiting for!? Come!" he exclaimed as he grabbed my wrist harshly and dragged me out of the room. I could barely keep up the pace, and my right hand was losing it's circulation from his strong grip.

"What are you doing Yoongi!?" I yelled at him as he was taking me out the door. I haven't yet washed up or changed, and he's dragging me out of the house!

"What do you think, Yoonhee," he said coldly. I looked at his eyes and all I saw were glossy black pupils, but it seemed as if they were throwing daggers directly at me. He opened the door to the back seat, looking at me. "Get in."



I fearfully got in the car, and he slammed the door after me. He sat in the driver's seat, and began quickly driving away. 

"What are you doing!" I squealed as he was driving much higher than the speed limit. "Yoongi stop the car!"

Without an answer, he continued driving at the dangerous pace. Has he lost his mind!? He'll lose control of the car at a turn, and kill us both!

With all my energy, I tried to open the doors or windows, but he had them locked.

"What the hell are you doing Yoonhee! You're distracting me!" he barked, causing me to immediately stop all my movement. 

"I will if you explain to me what's going on!" I snapped back, infuriated with what Yoongi was doing right now. He made a sharp right, causing me to fall to the left of the car. Making an immediate stop in front of a suspicious building, he threw me out of the car, making me fall onto the floor with my hands scraped and bleeding. 

"Put your hands up!" I heard several strict voices coming from behind me. Frozen, I put my injured hands up, and the men handcuffed me, throwing me into their car and began driving away.

What on Earth did I do!? Why am I being arrested!!??


The next thing I know, I'm in a small, empty jail cell, isolated from everyone else. I tried shaking the bars, screaming help with all my voice I had left.

No one answered.

Exhausted of yelling for many straight hours, I finally gave up and began crying.

I never committed any crimes. Why am I here? Why did Yoongi bring me here?


I know...it's too much to process in a whole chapter XD 

Don't worry though, because everything will clear up and become MUCH less confusing.

But for now...stay confused XD

Evil author-nim BWAHAHAHAHAH

Jk I'm stupid 


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