"You fuck with the fit, huh?" His deep voice spoke up, grabbing her attention.

Chuckling, she nodded and looked away, slightly embarrassed that she had been caught looking him up and down. "Yeah, I like it."


Eventually they stayed quiet until they reached the thirty second floor. They both started to exit the elevator at the same time until she stepped back and allowed him to go.

"Nah, go 'head." He stepped back instead.

"Thank you." She said before exiting and walking towards her apartment. She heard footsteps behind her and turned to see that it was the same boy from the elevator. Scrunching her eyebrows, she turned back around and kept walking.

"I'm not following you shawty." He spoke up from behind her. She decided to just ignore him and continue walking. Eventually she made it to her apartment and started to bring her keys out of her bag.

"Goodnight ma." The same voice spoke up. She quickly turned around and saw him chuckling before entering the apartment that was a couple doors down from her.

She chuckled and said it back before entering her apartment and closing the door.

Reruns of Martin were playing on the TV as Monica was laid up on the couch, half paying attention to it. She was on Snapchat making funny faces with the different filters and sending them to people back home. She was missing Boston a lot lately, and she didn't know why. It's not like she had the best experiences there, but for some reason she felt herself drifting back to it sometimes.

     New York was amazing to her, and somewhere she had always wanted to visit ever since she was young, but it still wasn't Boston. No matter how great the people were, or how lively it was, or how much she liked the slang, it still wasn't Boston to her because Boston was home.... even if it wasn't the best home. Her snapchat video was interrupted when she got an incoming FaceTime call from Chris. Sighing, she waited a few minutes, staring at herself in the camera, before finally picking it up.

     Both of their faces were in the camera as silence took over them. Minutes went by and they continued to stare at one another with emotionless faces through the phone as if they were having a staring competition. A grin fought it's way onto Monica's face-not to anyone's surprise considering how goofy she was- and soon both of them had goofy face expressions.

"I miss yo pinhead ass." Chris joked, a toothy grin taking over his face.

Monica laughed and shook her head before giving in and admitting it as well. "I missed you too ugly."

They stayed quiet for a couple minutes again as neither one of them knew what to say to the other. "Chris," Monica spoke up. "I promise i'm going to open up to you. I don't want you thinking I'm trying to hide anything or be sneaky, okay?"

He sighed before nodding his head in understanding. "I get it ma. My bad for comin all types of crazy. I just don't like feeling like-"

"You're the only one putting in effort?" She finished his sentence.

"Yeah.." He said, barely above a whisper as he stared at her almost in awe. It's like this girl just understood him and got him feeling certain ways without even trying. The fact that she knew how he felt without even him having to tell her just gave him a good feeling... an indescribable one."

"I feel you. Sometimes I even feel like I'm bothering you."

"Word," Chris agreed. "That's exactly how I be feeling."

"But that's not true at all. Chris you been such a good help and a good friend to me these past few months and I honestly can't even thank you enough."

"I know how you can thank me." He smirked in the camera.

"How?" She laughed with a confused face expression. Chris closed his eyes and puckered his lips as if he was  waiting for a kiss.

"Really, Chris?" She giggled. "Through the phone?"

"I mean... if you want me to come down there and get it in person, that'd be fine too."

"No you clown." She said, while they laughed together.

"Nah, but deadass Mon, I really missed yo ass. Had a nigga all in his feelings like never before. Had me singing drake in the shower."

Monica started to laugh until she remembered what Chantelle said about him at her house showering... after they had sex. Her whole mood changed, as much as she didn't want it to.

"What's wrong? You went from laughing to mean mugging me in .5 seconds."

"Nothing." She said sternly. She couldn't explain to him that she was feeling a type of way about him and Chantelle being sexual together. If she did, then he'd think she liked him or something, and she was trying to avoid any unneeded complications in their friendship.

"You sure?"

"Mhmm." She faked smiled. "But, imma head to bed. I have work in the morning."

"You booty. You can't hang. It's only eleven p.m."

"Yeah, well I gotta get this money." She stuck her tongue out and started to dance in the camera.

"You mad ugly son."

Chuckling, she stuck her middle finger up at him. "Goodbye, I look good as hell."

"You damn sure do." He licked his lips in the camera.

"You're so annoying." She rolled her eyes. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to put my bonnet on and get some sleep."

"Lemme see ya bonnet."

"Stop stalling." She whined. "But fine." Reaching over her desk, she grabbed her white, satin bonnet and placed it over her hair that was put into two french braids.

He made a disgusted face in the camera before ending the call right after. Monica gasped, and stared at her phone in shock before busting out laughing and calling him back.

He answered the phone with the same disgusted look causing her to laugh. "Fuck you." She said. "It's not even ugly."

"Ya bean head." He started to laugh like crazy, tears forming in his eyes.

"There goes that 'ahunkahunkahee' laugh. This is my cue to hang up now. Goodnight ugly."

He smiled, showcasing his pearly whites in the camera. "You think I'd look good with some grills?"

"Goodnight Chris." She put more emphasis on it this time.

"Aigh aigh, my fault, my fault. Goodnight beautiful." He replied, before she ended the call.


To be continued...

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