Shanelle Is Such a Savage

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I arrived at school at exactly twelve thirty two,so I went downstairs to the P.E room.

The persons who's in the room now is Shaun,Bent,Cario,Elechio,
Gabbidon,Shereka,Omario and QQ.

"Hi guys"I said while putting my bag where the rest of the bags were.

I took a seat in Shaun's lap and three minutes of  listening to the guys talking I fell asleep.


"Lexi?Lexi?"Shaun kept calling my name and I curled up in his arms more and ignored him calling me.

"Lexi?"he said in a higher pitch this time.

"Hmm mm"I answered in an annoyed tone.

"You have Social Studies now"I got up and he did the same.

Most of us left for our next class and some of them in stayed the room.

I remember that I have that skit to act today.I hugged Shaun goodbye then went to my class.

"Guys I mean it,this time you can't flunk out.Just stay focus on doing the skit."I said to them.

"Okay what are we doing?" Shawonda asked.

"We're acting voting day." I said to all of them.

Since Ms McKay isn't at class as yet we went over our skit at the back of the class.

Ms McKay said while entering the class.

" Yes Miss"We were all standing to welcome her.

"Good morning everyone. You may sit."She was wearing this floral skirt and blouse suit with matching heels.Thing with her is that she's always looking good.

"Group three it's skit time."

We went up and act our skit and I think everybody like it.Shawonda made it extra funny with her acting.It was just lit.

At the end of the class our group came second and the group with the plastics came in first.Am not gonna lie,they were actually greater than us.


I have French class so I went to my locker for my French supplies and then I headed to the bathroom like I always do before a class.

Further down the block from the bathroom passing the cafeteria and a couple more classes I saw Shanelle and Courtney talking.

It makes me mad because Shanelle doesn't talk to boys for fun or friends.Whenever she talk with a guy its either they're in a relationship or something.

Why is she targeting the boys on my team?This is so not happening to me.

Shanelle is a heartbreaker and I know now that Earl heart is probably broken right now.

The thing is Earl is a player but he actually likes Shanelle.

Sometimes I wonder why we're even best friends.

I went back upstairs and she came up a couple minutes after.

Practically everybody in our class hates our French teacher Ms Davy.

She gives detention for simple things,she gives conduct marks and demerits without having mercy.Its like she doesn't even care about our file or anything.

If you even make a pen drop on the floor you're going to be punished for that.

This teacher has issues. Normally we would have somebody further down on the corridor looking out for Ms Davy.

"So.....Why did you break up with Earl?" I asked Shanelle.

"You never forget about something,don't you?" She asked.

"Nope.In fact after this I have another question I wanna ask you so answer this one now."

"Well you know me Earl and I have been together for two weeks and am tired of him now so I broke up with him.Plus I don't wanna catch any feelings for anybody."

"Why do you always do that?Break up with a guy for no reason." If I was a guy and she was the only girl on this Earth I'd rather die than be in a relationship with her.

"I don't know,It's just how I stay." She started to fix her edgies on her hair with the gel.

"You gotta stop doing that,people actually have feelings you know."

"Yeah whatev."

"Girl did you just whatev me?" Now is the time when she just pass the line.

"No. I mean...."I cut her off.

"Shanelle keep your explanations cause I truly don't wanna hear it.I don't know who you are anymore but you're been a bitch and you need to find back yourself because I don't befriend bitches.And am so sick and tired of all this."

I turn around in my seat and  Chazae turned and looked behind her to me.

She signed languaged a what's wrong with you and Whormes run inside at that time saying that Ms Davy is coming,so I signed languaged a I'll talk to you later to her.

We all started to get ourselves ready and put away what is not needed.

When she entered we stand and said good morning then waited on her to acknowledge us.

"Dayon stick that gum on your forehead and you're going to be getting two days worth of community service." With that the rest of  the students that had  gum in their mouth,took theirs out before she could caught them as well.

"Tyrese fold your collar.Javid take your bag from off the desk.Are those girls talking?"

We looked over to where cammalita and Jhonell were talking with each other.

"You two will stand for the duration of the class.Good morning 9¹ you may all be seated except for those two girls." She started to put our notes on the board then she played this French song.

I caught onto some of the words and I kinda figured out what we'll be learning today.

It was saying that a teacher works at a school and doctor at a hospital, so I guess we'll be doing where people work.

"So class if you know the job occupations in French then you would've been able to sing this song and know the lyrics.And by listening to the lyrics you would've known the topic of the day.Aujourd'hui Sera regarder où led gens trayailent(Today will be looking at where people work)"

Since our class wasn't really a French fan most of them didn't understand what she said.

I saw Shanelle from the corner or my eye like she was about to ask me but then she like remember that we ain't talking.

"Lexi what did Ms Gravy just said?" Shanile asked me when ms Davy wasn't looking.

Most of the students in our class has nicknames for Ms davy.

Although I named shanile and her group of friends 'the plastics' we're friends.

"She said that we're going to be looking at where people work.And that she also need to change her one hairstyle."

We started to laugh but not loud so Ms Davy couldn't hear us.


Hi guys

Well I just wanna say thanks for reading my book and if you're liking it please just smash that like button and if there's anything you wanna say just leave a comment and I'll surely reply.

Love y'all😘😘😘

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