Another Working Day

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I woke up this morning to the smell of something cooking.I went downstairs only to see Mommy in the kitchen looking after breakfast"Good morning Mumzel"Mumzel is a nickname that my mom give me when I was a little girl, but I started calling her that and it just stuck on her. I'm the only one who calls her that anyways.

I went over to her side and kissed her on the cheeks with the realization that she was cooking Spaghetti and Meatballs and she had prepared Vegetable Salad for me."Mommy you are thee best"I said excitedly as I placed another kiss on her cheek and took the plate of vegetable salad.

"So how was shopping?"

"Shopping was fantastic"I said with my mouth full and mommy just laughed at my action."I got you a couple of things though"

Mommy looked surprise"Really?"she raised an eyebrow but her shocked face was then replaced with a genuine smile.

"Yeah let me go get them"I aimed to get out of my seat but she got hold of my hand and stopped me before I had the chance.

"Them?"she asked raising her eyebrow again.

"Yes Mom them and its no big deal"before she could say anything else I ran out of her sight and made it upstairs to my room.Speedily I ran back down with two shopping bags.I called for her to come and sit with me on the large sofa, she turned off the stove,took her apron off and came and sit beside me.

"Okay before you say anything Mommy don't you think its only fair that I get to buy you things if I want to?"I asked and she just nodded her head, I smiled at her then pulled her in for a hug.

She opened the first shopping bag and she was awestruck at what she saw. Couple days ago we were looking through a magazine together and I saw the how she was looking at these uppers Timberland, so I decided to buy her one and since pink is her favorite colour I bought them in pink.

"Oh baby you shouldn't have..."I cut her off before she could say how it's her job to buy me gifts and not the other way around.
I shoved the other shopping bag in her hands and she took them out and looked at them.I bought her a matching gold chain similar to the one I had bought for Shanelle and I, only difference is that this one has I heart Mom and the heart was split in two halves on each chain.I place the one that said I with the half heart around her neck and I took the one that has the other half of heart and mom at the end.

She then took out the two Jersey shirts that I decided we could wear to football match next week Sunday. Since I have a lot of work,today I won't be going .It was identical to Messi's jersey.I had them print her nickname at the back of it which is CANDY and my nickname LEXI at the back  of mine as well.

She tried on her Jersey shirt and it fit perfectly"You look awestruck Mom "she drew me into a hug and I hugged her in return.

"Thanks Darling for everything.It means a lot to me"she pulled back from the hug and gave me a really genuine smile,then she made her way back into the kitchen .

I headed back upstairs to my room and decided that it really needs cleaning."Okay"I said to my self or more like my room.

I then get to cleaning,first I cleaned the bathroom.

I wash down the wall of the shower,scrub the ground of the shower as well,then I went to cleaning the mirror,cupboard,face basin and redecorated the bathroom table that has all my things on it.

After doing all of that,I sweep and mopped the floor.I use house freshener so it could smell nice.

When finished cleaning the bathroom I started cleaning my room.I rearranged the room my bed was in the corner nearer to the window. The room looked stunning  and I couldn't help but pat myself on the shoulder for that.

Now I was left with my clothes,I have two closest that are both sizes of a mini bathroom.

In one of my closet I put my footwear,towels,white clothes,church clothes and my bedspreads. In the other closet I put my wearing out clothes .In that closet the clothes are organized based on colour and sizes.

I had a huge dresser draw and I use it for storing my judging clothes.I also own a whatnot drawer for storing my undergarments and small clothes such as bath suits,socks,and the list continues .

Clothes that I no longer wear or hardly wear are store in suitcases that are placed under my bed and some are in baskets and boxes that are down in the basement.

In my room I have a study center in one of the corners.It consists of a book shelf,table and chair,table lamp and some other stuffs.

I wiped down the tv and the DVD and rearranged the shelf that has countless movies on it.

I finished by sweeping and wiping out the bedroom with  some house freshener,I just love the aroma of it.

I carried the garbage outside but noticed that my car needs a bathe,so I went in the garage for the equipments and give her a nice and comfy bathe.She looked so clean,so new.

I went back upstairs and decided that I needed a shower,so I took a nice long  hour shower and washed my hair to get rid of the sweat in it.

After I had finish taking my shower,I wrapped one of my towels around my hair and another around my body,and walked out into my room heading straight for my closet without even bothering to look behind me or anything.

"Ehem"to say that i was taken aback was an understatement.Who the hell could it be inside of my freaking room.I slowly  turned myself around and my shocked face turned into a small smile.

"Girl don't frighten me like that geeze"Rochelle was seated on my bed acting all know she could have given me a damn heart attack.

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