The Talk With Shaun

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After Ms.McKay left the class I didn't even bother to say anything to Shanelle and her little gossiping group.

You see why I don't like group work and Ms.McKay gives us group work in every class we have with her, which is unfair.

I grabbed my things and headed downstairs for the P.E Room.Iwas in no mood to talk to them after they nearly had me gotten a frigging zero.

Luckily I was the first one to arrive at the P.E room.I just let out all my anger on the wall.

"Hey! hey! hey! calm down! calm down!"Shaun came in the room and grabbed my hands"What did the poor wall did to you now?"he asked while seating me on one of the exercise bench.

"Nothing"I lied.

"Oh really now?"Shaun asked with an eyebrow up.

"Okay okay geez"I explained everything to him that Shanelle and the rest of the group members nearly had me gotten a zero and we were lucky we didn't because we were saved by the bell.

"Look you didn't get a zero okay so cheer up yourself and put that beautiful smile on your face"he said with a genuine smile and I nodded my head and did as he said.

"You know I love you right?"I grinned at Shaun.

"I love you more"he said before pulling me in for a very very tight hug.


"Sorry sorry its just that I missed you"he pecked my cheek and I had to laugh at him for doing that.

"Shaun I was absent only Friday,not the entire week,but i missed you guys trust me on that"

"Talking about miss, somebody gave me this Friday to give you"he reached down into his back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.I took it from him and he started to laugh.

I quirked up my confused eyebrows at him"Shaun why are you laughing?"curiosity was getting ahead of myself I wanted to know why Shaun was laughing and what was on the paper.


"Oh really now?"I folded my arms over my chest and raised an eyebrow at him.

He put on a serious face and said"Just look at the paper okay."

I did as he told and I couldn't stop laughing at what I saw.

Sᴼᴼᴺ ᴵ'ᴸᴸ ᴮᴱ ᵞᴼᵁᴿˢ

I couldn't stop laughing I didn't realize that the P.E Room was this crowded until now when everybody was staring at me and Shaun maybe wondering what the hell we were laughing about.

"Share the joke with me too"Omario came in front of me saying.

Omario is in my class and he's on the tracks teams as well.He's a sprinter,most of our teammates call him Muscle Man because he's very muscular for a fourteen year old.And he also has a six pack abs,or more.

"Shaun how exactly did he come to give you this?"I asked waving the paper at him and Omario snatched the paper out of my hand.I should've known he was gonna do that.

"Is this Tafarie our school's football captain?"Omario who I was totally ignoring asked.

"Yes dummy"I snatched the paper back from him.



"I asked you a question"

"Oh Friday when you didn't attend school,we were seated at our lunch spot as always and I noticed,we all noticed that he was walking over to our lunch table,but  when we turned our attention on him he made a u-turn and went over to this bimbo so it wouldn't look obvious that he was gonna come over to our lunch table.Anyways I was down here in the P.E.Room along with some more of us and we were busy talking when QQ come inside and said that somebody call me"

I nodded my head indicating that he must continue.

"Well at first I thought it was some random girl out there seeking my attention so I hesitate but then I got up and went outside frightened to see Tafarie.

Shaun P.O.V and Flashback:

Although I thought it was some random girl out there wanting to get my attention, I still went outside but I was shocked of course when there wasn't any girl and it was indeed Tafarie.To say I was confused was and understatement because he has never stepped foot at our P.E.Room door before.I mean the footballers have their own gym room.

"Ahm can I help you?"I asked him.We've never really talked before,but I have nothing against the man,but am confused as hell as to why he sent for me.

"Yeah.Is Lexi at school today cause I haven't seen her at all today?" he asked while rubbing his hands through his hair.

"No man she isn't"I answered truthfully because she wasn't.She was at her aunt's but I wasn't going to tell him that.

"Oh that's unlike her" he said with his thinking face on I guess,and I quirked an eyebrow up at him.What do he know about her"Is she okay?"he asked and I was getting intensely confused.

"Yeah man she is"

"Why did you ask?"curiosity was killing me.

"Oh you know.....its just that I didn't see her at all today and I wanted to give her this"he reached into his back pocket of his extra tight blue jeans and took out a small piece of paper then handed it to me.

It was a paper which said

Sᴼᴼᴺ ᴵ'ᴸᴸ ᴮᴱ ᵞᴼᵁᴿˢ

I couldn't hold in my laughter I just had to laugh.

"Look man when Lexi says you're going to have to try harder than that she really means you're going to have to try harder than this piece of note"I said to him while I pat him on the shoulder.

"She told you that?"he asked.

"Yeah she tells me everything"


"Yeah man you should get to know her a bit more if you claim to say that you really like her "

"You know the funny thing is....she said the same thing to me"

"Its a sign and I think you should follow the sign man"I said suggestively and he nod his head at it.

"Yeah man thanks"he pat my shoulder and I nod my head and went back inside the P.E.Room.

         End Of Flashback

Lexi's P.O.V:

"Lol so now you're giving him advice?"I got up and pulled Shaun up with me.

"Hey what's that for?"he asked confusingly.

"Lunch"I said in a duh tone,"O and did Roch talk to you?"

"Yeah she did"he said while trying to hide a smile coming up on his face.

"Oh she better"I was gonna cut one of her hands off and feed it to my neighbor's dog if she didn't.

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