Physical Education Rm.

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After we left our lunch table and headed out separate ways,I stopped at the cup soup place and ordered a Chicken Cup Soup and I waited in the line for about five minutes before being served.Upon receiving my cup soup I dumped it with pepper sauce(i like my cup soup with a lot of pepper sauce)and headed for the physical education room.

It took me a good fifteen seconds before I reached since its not far from the cup soup line.

I pushed the door and went inside of the room only to find Andre Bent.

He's the male captain of our team and he has being my crush from grade six up until now.He is brown and he has hazel green eyes and a pair of dimples on his cheeks.he's really muscular and tall and he also has a six pack abs.Damn he's too sexy to be true.Bent (most people call him by his last name) is a really soft hearted guy and he doesn't play with girls feelings, he's not a player and he believes in love.Also he's a non negative  person.He's also another one of my advisors....

"Sup"I was being pulled out of my thoughts by Bent's voice and a sad smile on his face.

"Ahm hi"he didn't respond so I knew something was wrong with him."So are you going to tell me why your face is so sad on a happy day like this?"I asked him trying to cheer him up a bit and I could see a little smile forming on his face.

"Awwww he smiles"I just loves the way he smiles it so bright and beautiful it would send anybody in awww.

I took a seat beside him and started to admire the room.It has pale grey walls and a couple brown doors one which is the entrance of the room.The room wasn't too big and it wasn't too small.Our workout equipments were spread all over the room and the place was looking really messy.Bent was currently seated one of the push up benches and I sat on a chair across from him.

Seing the room it was a mess and I totally forgot that today was Thursday.Every Thursday I clean the physical education room.I checked my phone and I only have twenty two minutes left before the end of lunch,so I hurry up and finish my cup soup and went staright to cleaning the room.

Bent tried to make conversation every once in a while but otherwise from that it was just us.While I was busy clearing the room he was busy listening to music and eating something else.I don't know but he sure does eat a lot.

I finished cleaning up three minutes before the bell so I decided that I'd just use the three minutes and dispose the garbage,wash my hands and face,re-polish my shoe and do over my hair.

Ding ding ding ding

The bell had rung

"Bent later"I told him my goodbye and was heading out when I turned around."Ahm aren't you gonna go to class ?" I realized that he was still seated so I just had to ask him.

"No,our subject teacher isn't here today so I don't have any class."I wish I could join him but I can't so I shook my head as a sign to show that I understood and then left for my class.

Luckily when i got to class señor perry wasn't here as yet.

Spanish class was the best as always,some of the guys in our class even challenged Señor Perry in arm wrestling and Kino and Omario nearly win him,key word is nearly.

The rest of the day wemt by in such a blurr that it was time to go home.

After school I headed to training and it was practically the same as usual.

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