Stress Cleaning

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I decided to leave home early this morning,so I can have a seat in the Physical Education room all by myself and maybe I could come up with a final decision as to what am gonna do about my thoughts this morning.

I rechecked my assignments to ensure that all of them are complete then I rechecked my school bag.Yesterday I forgot to pack my ruler and I had to buy one for class.

I decided to wear a plain white pants so it could match my school blouse.I afro my entire hair and put a black headband around my hair.

After getting dressed I went downstairs and made myself a cup of mint tea and a bowl of cornflakes.

I was eating my breakfast when I hear Mommy shouting upstairs,so I rushed up to her room and she was shouting curse words at Shane.

Since lately they've been arguing a lot and I don't know why Mommy don't just break up with him cause he doesn't serve much purpose.

I left them and went in my room to finish getting ready then I went back inside her room and kissed her on the cheek and left the house.

I reversed my baby out of the garage and headed for school.While I was driving I saw this Billboard advertising a concert.

Its gonna be a Muchette High School...bla bla bla I'm not going.

I drove up into the school's parking lot and I realized that only a few students have arrived early.The school just seems so deserted.

I headed to the end of the building where the P.E room is and since I have one of the spare keys I opened the door and went inside.

I place my bag on the bag stand and started to walk up and down in the gym.

School doesn't start until the next hour and a half so I decided to do some stress cleaning,so I got changed into this baggy shorts and one of the Jersey that I found in one of the clean baskets.

I have to say the Jersey really fit.I got to work straight away.

Tafarie's POV:

I parked my grey Mercedes Benz over  in the parking lot and then grabbed my wolf Creek bag and headed unto the school.

There wasn't much students here since it was early,but I decided to come here early to see if I can probably get a nerd or so to tutor me on Spanish.

When I was walking I saw Lexi's car which means that she's here.I saw this Billboard with a concert that is keeping at my old school and I decided to ask lexi if she can join me.

I was looking for this particular geek Petra  Lopez,she's from Puerto Rico and she had a gold star for  spanish in the entire school.Some nerdy guy tell me that she's always in the Library or the Arts room before school.So I'm heading for the library now.

I checked the library but she wasn't in there so I headed for the arts room which is at the other end of the school.

I was walking by the P.E. room when I heard someone singing I hate u,I love u and I recognized the voice it was Lexi's.

I peeped in the room,but I didn't see anybody so  figured that she might be in the gym part but when I went in she wasn't,the voice was coming from the males shower room,which made me eager to know what she was doing in the males shower room.

I went at the door and I saw her scrubbing down one of the shower wall.She didn't realize that I was standing at the door.

I stayed there for a good four minutes just observing her until she turn around and saw me"Hi"I waved at her and her face looked shocked.

"Ahm hi Tafarie......What are you doing in here?"

Lexi's POV:

I wonder if he's stalking me.I can't believe I forget to lock the P.E room door when I got inside.

"I just heard you singing and I couldn't resist the urge to see you"he was wearing a black tight pants that was under his butt and a black school shoe.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Four minutes"he answered while popping the 'minutes'.

"Oh......So what can I help you with?"he looked surprised,I would be too because I've never really talk to Him.

"I was gonna go and see Petra Lopez to tutor me on Español."

"Oh...She's in the Library or you can check the Arts room next door,but I guarantee you that you won't succeed in getting her to tutor you."

"Why is that so?"

"Although she's a geek,she doesn't help others with their assignments and other stuff like that.Shaun ask her to tutor him but she said that she doesn't support those things and students must fail or pass on their own."She had her point but still she could have atleast try to help.

"Oh well lets see what my charm can do."Tafarie started to smirk and I laughed and tell him to go ahead and come back and tell me what she say.

He left the room and I went back to finish cleaning.

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