Re-Creators Fanfiction Origins: Wolf

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"UN world leaders have finally convinced South Africa's dictator King Mohmar to track down and eliminate rogue general Mismar: The leader of the New African Republic. These insurgents were responsible for the terrorist atrocities over the past six months. The recent involvements have sparked off an international manhunt which is currently going underway..."


The morning sun burst across the horizon of the amazonian rainforest. Once again revitalizing the wildlife residing beneath the canopy of the dense treetops. Within the dense vegetation masked the presence of a clearing no larger than a tennis court. At its center stood a wooden shed, held together by shoddy construction work and surrounded with rusty but functional Concertina wires.


Obasi slid off from his hammock and began to make preparations.

An SKS 45 rifle laid neatly on the work bench, attached with a suppressor, a variable zoom scope and a ten round magazine housing 7.62 FMJ rounds.

He cocked the rifle once while scanning through his target dossier.


"Are you done yet, Hagane? It is time to depart."

"Yup, just hold on a second."

A girl not more than her teens rose from the hammock directly opposite Obasi. Her elegant face with fair skin and reddish irises was marred by the streaks of camouflage paint. She also had silver metallic hair which were held together in a bun.

Hagane tied a camouflage net around her forehead to act as a bandanna. After which, pulled a black HK416 from beneath her trunk and loaded her magazine inside before mounting on her utility belt and sheathing her combat knives into their respective compartments.

"How long to the target's destination."

Hagane was sullen. It was her last live tactical mission with Obasi as her mentor.

Obasi, the seeker of wolves, the wolf hunter.

A masterful soldier in his own right.


"Sixteen kilometers south of here, we need to get moving now."

"Yesh alright already, you are so impatient its almost unprofessional."

Obasi grunted in annoyance, he wanted to get out of this accursed tropical rain-forest as soon as possible. The safe houses in the amazon offered little protection against the rampaging bats and mozzies at night. A good smoke and Ice cold beers were the only things lingering in his head right now.

At least he was not hunting alone.


"No more time for slacking around, its time to get back into the grid."

It was going to be a long day ahead.


The elements of the jungle were relentless: The suffocating humidity and the hostile indigenous lifeforms that inhabited the rainforest gave off a much unwanted feeling of dread. The odor that rose from their muddied boots and soiled attire, accompanied by the unsettling feeling of predators or parasites lurking around the corner were not helping the situation at hand.

However, for our two soldiers in the field, this was just another day at the office.

Obasi took the lead, cutting away the undergrowth with his machete, while Hagane gingerly followed behind him, occasionally poising her eyes and gun towards the rear, effectively checking their sectors.

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