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Whoever invented the concept of University Examinations should be put to death in the most gruesome way possible.

Many wondered why Japan at one point held the second highest suicide rates amongst all the first world countries. Well, if You were to enclose myself in a room surrounded with dozens of notes, assignments and practice papers, do not be alarmed if they start talking to you. Its probably a sign of stress driving you to insanity, at that point suicide becomes a much more pleasing option...

A book flew across the room, ramming onto my forehead.

"You are daydreaming Souta kun, please concentrate on the task at hand."

I looked across at Meteora.

"Aye, sorry!" 

I gave a sheepish smile.

Meteora decided to accompany me during my mugging session to ensure that I stood focused on my revision. She brought her laptop along as well to concoct new books while watching over me. My mother was skeptical about sharing a room with someone of the opposite sex, and I had a challenging time to convince her that we weren't up to no good.

I am thankful she finally saw otherwise.

Meteora scooted closely next to my side, taking my hand in hers, carrying a worried expression.

"If you finish your assignments today, we should..."


She whispered something into my ears causing my eyes to widen.

"Thanks for reminding me Meteora, I almost had forgotten about it."


With the last of my assignments completed, we made our way over to an all too familiar part of town. Contrary to the clutter and noise of the city, this place was isolated and silent.  The air around us felt unnerving, almost haunting.

We were surrounded by the ashes of dead people.

I gripped onto Meteora's hand a little tighter for additional comfort, she caught my gesture by surprise, causing pink flecks to form around her cheeks.

Cemeteries were never my strong suite.


Stopping in front of Setsuna's gravestone, I basked in the waves of nostalgia, reliving the pleasant memories
in my mind.

It has been a year, Setsuna.

"Souta Kun, I have to use the washroom first. Please go on without me first, I will catch up."


"Um, alright then."


Hearing the sound of footsteps, my curiosity forced my body to turn.

I was not expecting another person to be here.

Her figure was taller than that of an average woman. She wore an oversize grey coat and has a pretty slim figure, accompanied by a black baseball cap and two long metallic silver pigtails trailing down all the way to her legs.

She lifted up her baseball cap, revealing her red and blue irises.

"It has been awhile Souta?"

I could not believe it.


She felt different from before. Her eyes no longer burnt with hatred or pain. Now, her presence emanated an aura of serenity and tranquility.

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