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Altair stood across the living room, against the glistening night gazing through the window panes.

The charcoal black suit, medallion yellow tie, and off-white inner shirt gave me the impression of a detective.

Her arms were folded facing me, as though impatiently demanding a response.

"Meteora is in danger, is she not?"

She repeated her words, this time even more articulate.

"I figured as much Souta, you were too weak to protect her."

Altair's eyes narrowed with sadism, lips twisting to her trademark smirk. Her usual condescending expressions would have been intimidating. This time however, it has only led to irritate me even further.

I was angry, I was desperate. Driven into a corner with nothing left to lose. All that anguish clouding my mind with spiteful thoughts...

I cannot be bothered with you anymore.

How can you laugh at a time like this?

I really hate you.

I charged forward out of pure rage, flinging a left hook at Altair's direction.

The hook found its target. My hardened fist knuckled Altair's right cheek, sending Altair soaring to the window and crashing with a sickening thud, sprawling against the wall.

I stared at my hand in disbelief, unable to comprehend what I just did.

Punching Altair; Its like begging for suicide.


Altair supported herself back up using the windowsill. Dismissing what might have been traces of pain that lingered on her face.

"How does it feel, to throw a punch at your enemy? Feels good doesn't it."

There was a hint of maniacal laughter in her voice rendered me immobilized by fear, sending beads of icy perspiration down my forehead.


Altair gingerly studied my expression, and came to a conclusion.

Enough was enough.

She exhaled deeply, deciding to cease the intimidating gestures. There will be ample time to fool around later, but for now she was satisfied.

"At least, You finally have the balls to take physical action."

She retorted, this time with venom absent from her voice


"Do not get the wrong idea, I could have easily deflected that. I just feel indebted to you as of now."


Curiosity and anger unleashed tempests across my mind once more, any form of rational thinking once again overshadowed by pure desperation. Leads, answers, clues, I demanded them all.

"Yeah, you owe me one hell of an explanation too. What the fuck is going on?!"

Even my words themselves started to reek of poison. After all, I was engulfed by pure bitterness, clenching my teeth to the point I could taste blood.

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