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happy birthday, [name]!

yes..it's me again. sorry that i haven't been sending you any origamis lately; and please don't feel bad. it's not because that i don't like you anymore or that you had hurt my feelings.

the real reason is that--this is what i have been working on. this whole thing, which took me about a week to finish it. my hand hurts, but it doesn't matter to me.

you're the person that matters to me. 

i really like you, [name]. i have been ever since our first year of university, which was last year. at first, i wasn't sure why; but then i realized this whole time why.

you're so nice to others, which makes me believe that you're like that most of the time. 

your smile really melts my heart. i wish that you can smile like that every day.

you're so smart. when i gave you that origami star, you were so happy; that you've been getting good grades ever since. did i really make you that happy and motivational?

enough about you; i really want to tell you who i am.

my name is park roseanne; or what my friends call me "rosé"..i grew up in australia and moved here for attending this very school. yes i speak japanese. i also speak english and of course, korean.

but the thing is; nobody knew my english name. just my korean one. everybody calls me by my korean name. except for my friend who i just met on my first year since she speaks english too. 

but sometimes she calls me by my korean nickname.

i make origamis because i thought that they were cool to make, and it's been a hobby for me for just a little while now, and since i really like you, i decided to make them for you. i think you're pretty cool too..

i have black-brown hair who draws a lot as i heard one of your friends say.

i'm the one who gave you that video game; and who you've been sending me letters to.

i'm that person who you gave the pain reliever pill to earlier this year.

i'm that person who you bought the art supplies to and who you walked with to your grandmother's shop last friday.

yeah..you probably know my korean name by now, right?

are you smiling at me now?

once again, happy birthday [name]; you deserve this.

turn around, so i can see your prettiest smile. 

-p.r ♡


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