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before i was about to set another note and origami for you, for some reason i see a note and another sheet of paper, folded placed on your desk.

i became confused to why it's there and i decided to read the letter. i would be really disappointed if it was someone else sending you letters

but that's not the case, i read the note that was unfolded.


i'm not sure who you are or what class you go to, but i just want to say:

thank you. sooo much.

the origamis, letters, and presents literally do make me the happiest boy in the world. thank you for the game you gave me last week. i've been saving for it for a while and i couldn't really afford it yet.

you always make my self-esteem high, and i'm grateful that you care for me.

i wish i could know who you are, because you truly know how to make me happy. i can't even find anybody with the initials "p.r" because i don't know anyone whose first name starts with an r. i'm pretty sure your last name is park.

so again, thank you for what you do. i hope you can keep giving me them, you're so nice..

-[your initials]


i squealed, and i suddenly opened the folded paper, and it was the money; you wanted to pay back for the game.

although the game was about ₩75,000, you gave me ₩50,000.

i smiled, and i decided to take the money. one more note was there, saying:

"you deserve it. ♡"

i grabbed the things in your desk, and i ran to find lisa. i needed to tell her this.

i guess my note and origami has to wait until tomorrow, because i'll be writing a new one.~


double chapter because i felt like i haven't updated this book in a while. c':

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