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i see that you're once again not looking very happy. is something going on outside of school? it's not your family, is it? i don't mean to be nosy or anything, i'm just worried.

please don't creep out or anything but i slipped something in your car, i hope you like it.

in addition, i made 2 yellow origami flowers. the yellow flowers itself meaning joy and happiness; because i want you to smile, for everyone. i wanted you to be 2x happier than you were before you read this letter.

especially for me..



i saw you reading those letters before class started, and you rose an eyebrow. probably because of me slipping something in your car since nobody even has your keys.

you looked impatient throughout the whole class period, and once it was over, you immediately dashed to your car outside.

once you looked what i gave you, oh were screaming and smiling.

it just came out today and you always talked about it. hope you like that new video game that you always wanted.~

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