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another minute left, and i have to rush to get the present i've been working on for a long time. something i have spent my time and effort on.

for the past few hours during class, you've been feeling a bit uncomfortable. you've been saying that you've been feeling bad for your secret admirer, and that person didn't give you anything for the past few days.

and i haven't said happy birthday to you yet. i'm waiting for that time to come.

i've been feeling shaky during my after school activities, and as i heard the bell ring, i tell lisa to distract you if you ever come in early.

i try to run as fast as i could to the dorm, and grab the present as careful as i can. i was slowly jogging so i wouldn't ruin it; and as i turned to our classroom, i got scared that i see you in the hallways with your friends, but facing the opposite direction from me.

just what i needed.

i placed it on your desk, and our classmates started to watch me. i think they all found out who's been placing origamis on your desk often.

i placed my index finger on my dominant hand to my lips, telling them to quiet down. 

some stared at my work, admiring it.

and then you started to come in; i start to turn around and try to start having a conversation with a classmate.

 this is the time when i start to become nervous.

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