The Audition

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"That's what Miles says at least."
The snake hissed as it coiled around Snake's shoulder. You stepped back and a snake came towards your face.
"You'll find the exit that way," it pointed with its tail.
"Yes that is correct Ganter," Snake said.
You glanced at Sebastian.
"You're too kind, we'd lost our way," he smiled.
We bowed and walked off.
"Ta-ta now!" His voice changed. "Cheers," says Ganter gruffly.
You heard them hiss behind you.
**********MINI TIMESKIP**********
We made our way back to the carriage and got in. Ciel tapped the roof of the carriage and we set off...
He opened his eye.
"What's your report?"
"We were interrupted before we could make a full circuit of the camp," you looked down.
"Yes, ideally we would like to penetrate deeper into their organisation," Sebastian said, "And at that point, we have a request to make of you."
Ciel looked at us.
"Do you?"
**********MINI TIMESKIP**********
"I would like to know when precisely this became part of the plan!"
You winced as Ciel yelled at Sebastian whilst Sebastian removed Ciel's coat.
"I don't recall giving you any orders to that effect!"
Sebastian caught Ciel's hat as he threw it off.
"Does it inconvenience you my Lord?"
Ciel scowled then sighed.
"Enough for now, we'll argue about it later, at the moment I find I'm exhausted I shall go to bed straight away, just go and take care of Kiyomi's coat as well."
You smiled, "Thank you my Lord but I'm absolutely fine," you tried to object but Ciel held his hand up.
"Nonsense, you are my guest and...partner."
You looked up at Sebastian and guiltily handed him your coat.
"Thank you..."
"Very well my Lord, however-"
Ciel disregarded Sebastian
"This is going to be interesting," Sebastian said, smiling.
Ciel scoffed.
A door opened and a man with purple hair, earrings and oriental clothing stumbled through.

**********TIMESKIP************A door opened and a man with purple hair, earrings and oriental clothing stumbled through

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Ciel stepped back.
"Ciel, you're finally back, I've been waiting for so long!" He grinned.
Another man walked in with a cloth tied on his head, also in quite oriental clothing.

"Greetings Lord Phantomhive, Sebastian and another guest," he smiled, "Who might you be?" He kissed your hand gently, whilst the purple haired man looked like he was about to explode with excitement

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"Greetings Lord Phantomhive, Sebastian and another guest," he smiled, "Who might you be?" He kissed your hand gently, whilst the purple haired man looked like he was about to explode with excitement.
"Uh I'm Kiyomi," you said, a little taken aback.
"My name is Soma, 13th Prince of India," the purple haired man said grinning, "And this is Agni."
Agni clapped and smiled.
"Welcome home and Welcome," he smiled at you.
Ciel put his hand on his head.
"Oh that's right, how could I have possibly forgotten that you were here?"
"I have truly missed you my friend! I hope you are well!" Soma exclaimed, enveloping Ciel in a hug.
Ciel pushed Soma away, Agni caught him.
You giggled.
Soma laughed.
"I didn't expect to see you back at the townhouse so soon, you must have missed me badly huh?" He grinned, "Poor Ciel, always lonely."
Ciel scowled then headed for the stairs.
"Sorry but I'm very tired, I'm not at all in the mood to deal with you right now."
Soma looked heartbroken.
"You are teasing me, you can't be going to bed already!" He grabbed Ciel by the shoulders, "I have been waiting and waiting to play that chess game you told me about!"
An irk mark appeared on Ciel's head, "you surely don't want to dash my hopes do you?" Soma whined.
Ciel frowned and pushed Soma off, walking up the stairs.
"Get off me!"
Soma frowned, "What's the matter with you Ciel? You are being such a grump! We are being reunited at last! Can't you summon a small smile?"
Ciel turned around,
"No! I'm bloody tired! Get it! Just leave me be!"
Soma and Agni's expression turned shocked and a little upset.
"But don't you know you won't attract good fortune unless you smile," Soma twiddled his fingers.
Your face softened at his sad expression.
Agni put a hand on Soma's shoulder.
"Come your highness."
You walked up to him.
"It's ok, I'll teach you, your highness, " you smiled softly.
Soma face brightened.
"Of course." You said.
You walked with him and sat down with them, setting the board up.
You arrived with Sebastian and Ciel, who was in disguise.
People had gathered around to watch the auditions.
"Look at this fellow, what an adorable little sprog ye brought us," Joker said, surprised at Ciel, "You are a boy aren't ye?"
"Yes, I've been in service as a pageboy for some time now, my name is Finnian, it's a pleasure to meet you all," Ciel said awkwardly.
You bit your lip to hide your smirk.
Joker walked up to him, "That's quite an imposing name for a sprat like you, no worries we'll give ye a proper stage name," he leaned closer to Ciel, "Are ye sure ye're a boy though?"
Ciel leaned back, "Uh...quite sure, yes quite."
A crowd of women had crowded around Sebastian.
"Well being adorable won't see ye through a circus life, gotta see about talent too!" Joker said
You smirked.
"So, what are you good at?"
Ciel glanced away
"I don't know, I'm good with darts I suppose."
"Hmm, knife throwing is closest then," Joker said, "Dagger! Give him some knives!"
Dagger came over and handed Ciel a few knives.
"Here ya go."
"Uh thank you," Ciel mumbled.
"Alright then," Joker pointed, "Let's see ye hit the target."
Ciel stood and aimed.
"That's cruel, you might as well have put that target in the next country over," Dagger muttered to Joker, "There's no way his tiny little arms can throw that far."
Joker smiled, "I'm not being cruel in the slightest, I can't put it right next to him, can I?"
You watched Ciel and glanced at Sebastian.
Ciel threw the knife, it spun down, too short...
It hit right on target.
Joker and Dagger's mouths dropped open.
Ciel grinned and threw another.
You smirked at Sebastian as you saw him flicking stones.
After a while of knife throwing, Ciel smirked.
"Shall I throw another set?"
Dagger's mouth was still open and Joker was grinning, the audience applauding behind them.
"Well, that was sn impressing feat, ain't no lie." He rubbed his chin with his fingers.
Ciel smiled looking smug, walking back towards us.
"You're more than I reckoned, sprat," Joker said.
"But that was only the first part of the audition," Ciel glanced worriedly at us.
"Next we'd like to see..."
"Your tightrope walking skills."

A Painted tear (Joker x OC) (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now