Unexpected Love

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Requested by Sarey33


(Dangerous Era)

Your POV

I fastened my seatbelt, jumping in my car. I am a very busy business woman, on my way to an important job.

As I drove onto the busy street, there were many cars surrounding a limo. Paparazzi snapping as many pictures as they could.

I stopped my car, and tried to get a glimpse inside the limo.

There was a man with black curly hair and sunglasses, shooeing away the cameras; yet they only kept on flashing.

I noticed the man looked very familiar, extremely familiar. 

Is that...Michael Jackson??

My heart skipped a beat, once I connected eyes with him.

He yelled and waved his hands in the air whilst hollering, "Please! Help me!!"

I snapped out of that weird trance I was in and drove around the crazy fiasco. I stopped the car as the man ran, opened the passenger door forcefully and slammed it shut as he sat down.

"Thank you so much! Now can we please get out of here?" He asked anxiously.

"I..uh..yeah.." I stuttered as I started driving, eventually losing the paparazzi.

"Are you Michael Jackson??" I asked in utter shock of his presence.

He smiled timidly, looking me up and down. "Yes...but please don't freak out! Yes, you can get an autograph, but I am keeping my clothes ON." He said chuckling.

I laughed along, still astonished that the KING OF POP was in MY car!

"W-what happened back there?" I asked stunned.

"Well...the paparazzi...lets just say they don't know when to quit."

"You said it!" I laughed, hearing him join in with me.

"I can't thank you enough. What's your name?" He asked sweetly.

"Im Y/N..its my pleasure." I said smiling wider than I ever thought I would, for the man I've been in love with since the age of 5 is in my presence.

"Thank you Y/N...I really do appreciate it." He smiled.

"So...Michael, where do you want to go?" I asked shyly.

"Well...somewhere where no one knows who I am." He sighed, leaning back in his seat as he covered his face with his fedora.

"Well, I have somewhere to be, buuut maybe I can reschedule in order to help the Michael Jackson." I giggled.

"Are you sure its okay? I don't want to cause any trouble.." He mumbled, removing his hat from his face.

"Its no problem Jackson." I said smiling.

His smile soon faded after we heard camera flashes.

"Shit...they caught us." I groaned, speeding up and turning a sharp turn.

"Slow down!!" He screamed, his slender frame being jerked back and forth within the car.

"Put on your seatbelt! Were going to my house!" I yelled, speeding up even more, my home being right down the block.

He fastened his seat belt, and looked back. "They're still following us girl!"

"Not for long..." I said laughing. I turned into my ally, pressing a button on my car, which revealed my infamous underground tunnel. God I knew it'd come in handy!

I drove into it, and pressed the opposite button, closing up the space.

"That was awesome!!" He yelled laughing. "Since when do people build secret entrances??"

"Im am architect...but an extremely creative one." I said smiling.

I drove into my basement parking lot, and parked the mini van.

"They'll never find us down here. Would you like to use my telephone to call someone to get you?" I asked him as I got out of the car.

"Yes please." He got out of the car as well, following me to the elevator.

"This place is amazing." Michael complimented, his eyes wandering across the area.

"I built this place myself." I said, stepping into the elevator with him.

"You're extremely talented!" He said smiling.

"No, you are, Michael Jackson." I said pointing at him.

He just looked down shyly as the elevator took us to the fourth floor.

It opened, letting us exit.

He followed me into my home, still looking around in awe.

"The phones right over there." I said, directing him to it.

"Thanks." He said timidly, walking to the phone. He dialed a number, putting the phone up to his ear cutely. "Um, Bill...can you send one of my limos over to Y/H/A? (Your home address). Okay Bill. Yes, I'll be here. See you soon! Goodbye." He hung up the phone, walking back over to me.

Out of nowhere, he hugged me so gently. His warm cheeks pressed against mine. "Thank you so much Y/N...you're probably the only fan who's ever been this calm around me."

I hugged him back, resting my arms around his neck, my back leaning against the front door. "You're welcome Michael." I whispered to him, blushing immensely, trying my hardest to hold in my fangirl screams.

He pulled away slightly, staring into my eyes lovingly.

I stared back at him awkwardly, awaiting his next move.

He moved closer to me, our bodies pressing against each other as he reached his hand out to mine, which was by my side.

I laced my fingers with his, a smile creeping upon his face.

His eyes gazed down at my lips, as he leaned his face closer and closer to mine.

I closed my eyes as our lips connected so gingerly.

He let go of my hand to allow me to caress his neck, as his hands held onto my waist.

The kiss was starting to deepen, when I felt his sneaky tongue enter my mouth slowly, leaving room for rejection.

I opened my mouth slightly, as his warm tongue mingled with mine.

I sighed into the kiss, as he gently picked up my thigh, wrapping it around his waist.

We french kissed messily, as he carried me to my sofa, laying me down softly, as he climbed on top of me, never breaking the kiss.

I tangled my legs with his, my thin dress riding up my thighs.

He continued to kiss my lips like they were his favorite desert. So gentle, and passionate.

I pulled away from him slightly, disconnecting our lips in order for me to breathe.

His cheeks were as red as roses, as he smiled shyly. "T-that was amazing..." He whispered onto my lips.

"I can't believe I just made out with you...you've been my crush since I was a kid...a kid Michael! Do you like me like that??" I asked him smiling.

"Yes...I do." He said simply. "Can we kiss some more now?" He asked smirking.

"Don't gotta ask me twice.." I whispered before kissing him with the upmost passion I could ever give to any one..



Im backkk!😊❤

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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