Woman With a Plan

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"Ow, get off me. Your nose hurts!" Phil complained and I smacked his arm.

"Don't judge my nose!" I whined. "I'm getting popcorn. I can't be in the same room as that demon."

And I didn't mean the one in the movie. (okay...don't kill me, but the only word to describe that was savage and you know it!)

I stood up and padded into the kitchen. I pulled down some microwave popcorn from the shelf when I noticed a presence in the room with me. I pressed a few buttons on the microwave and turned to see and enraged Cat glaring at me.

"You bitch." She growled and I backed away.

Phil? Now would be a good time!

"God, you just keep your nasty little fingers off of him can you? You little slut." She hissed and I backed away even further. She had never outwardly called me that before. I had really done it hadn't I?

"I don't know what you're talking about" I responded, but it only spurred her on.

Phil. Phil. Dear god Phil. Get your ass in here.

"Dan was right, you are nothing but a worthless desperate rat." She said. I reeled back at her comment. I was honestly a little scared now. She gripped my wrist, pushing into my skin with her nails. Cats kill rats.

"Ow!" I yelped, my outburst muffled with the sound of the microwave.

"Fuck you, (y/n). Dan's mine. Stay away or I will hurt you."

Phil. Please. I am actually scared now. Help. Had Cat gone mad? 

"Are you crazy?!" I asked, trying to tug my arm away.

"No, completely fine, until Dan realizes just how revolting you are. Get out of here you disgusting horrible person. I hate you" Cat spoke, her voice low, but sharp like ice. I cowered below her, genuinely terrified. She didn't care I was in physical pain. She was crazy.

"Cat." Dan's voice pierced the air and the timer sounded. Cat threw my arm down and my hand went instantly around my wrist. Her acrylics had actually pierced my skin and I had small punctures in the soft flesh of my wrist.

"You didn't really want to help with the popcorn." Dan said. Well duh. I picked up a napkin to stop the blood and Phil walked to my side to help me.

"I-I just came to--"

"I heard what you said Cat. I know you don't like (y/n), but that gives you zero reason to physically and verbally assault her." Dan said. His voice was steady and his face calm. He looked drained and empty and I could feel his emotions transferring into me.

"Thank god you showed up" I whispered to Phil. "I was scared she would punch me."

He nodded and hugged me round the shoulders. I winced as he dabbed a cut and I covered it with a bandage, listening to the conversation beside me.

"I'm sorry. I just lost my temper. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"I really don't think you should be apologizing to me." Dan stopped her. She turned to look at me and I turned away, my stomach flipping. She got what she wanted right? To intimidate me. Job well done. I was actually frightened of her now.

"(y/n) I-I'm so sorry." Cat stuttered. No she isn't. She wanted to hurt me.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for whatever I did that made you hate me" I replied, trying to keep my voice from breaking.

"No, it's just my stupid thing and I shouldn't take it out on you. I'll try to get along until I leave." Cat said. That's right. She's leaving soon. She knew she was going to loose so why did she try?

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