Packing and Random Crying

Start from the beginning

I lay down, and I fall asleep to the sound of Anthony shuffling around my room.
I wake up, and immediately look at the clock. I see that it's 2:30am. The light in my room is off, but I see a little envelope on my nightstand. I open the envelope, and find a letter inside along with two rings. The letter reads:

I was gonna give you these last night, but both of you were asleep, so I settled for doing this. You and Anthony have been together for a month now, and when I saw these I couldn't resist getting them for you too. I hope you like them. Also, the one that says,"His Crazy" is for you(Sam, who I really hope was reading the letter), and the one that says, "Her weirdo" is for Anthony.


I smile, and I lay the letter along with the rings on my nightstand. I then look over my shoulder, and notice for the first time that Anthony is laying down beside me. I lay my head gently on his chest. I see him smile in his sleep, and his arms tighten around. I drift back to sleep with a smile on my face as well.


I wake up again at 5:30am. I get dressed, and throw two hot pockets in the microwave. I walk back into the bedroom to wake Anthony, but my suitcase in the corner of the room catches my eye. I suddenly realize that I'm gonna be getting into a plane later today. Guess I better prepare for a panic attack later today! I shake my head, trying to ignore those thoughts. I then walk over to the bed, and I begin to kiss Anthony. After the second, or third kiss Anthony begins to kiss back. "I could get used to that"

I laugh, and throw his shirt at him, "Get dressed. We have to head to the stadium soon!"

Anthony groan, but complies with my request. He throws his shirt over his head, and begins to follow me back into the kitchen!where the microwave is going crazy.

I grab two plates, and carefully try to remove the steaming hot pockets from the microwave. I only burn my hand twice, but it's worth it because hot pockets are amazing. Anthony looks around the kitchen, "Where's Regan?"

I shrug, "I don't know. She probably had to go to work early or something like that"

He nods, and I suddenly remember the rings. I signal for him to wait a minute, and I waddle(literally though) back to the bedroom. I come back out with the two rings, and letter in hand. I let Anthony read the letter while I put on my ring. He laughs, and takes the other ring from my hand. He puts in on his right hand, and holds it out for me to admire. I laugh,but oblige anyway cause why not? I then let him admire mine, and he exaggerates by moving my hand around. He then looks back up at me, "These really are perfect. I'll have to thank Austin later"

I nod, "Me too!"

Both me and Anthony take turns burning the roof of our mouths with the hot pockets, but like I said earlier it's all worth it. However, after eating we don't have time to relax much because we have to head to the stadium early due to us having to bring all our stuff for the trip to Florida. While Anthony loads the car I cut one of my hydrocodone in half, and take that. Hopefully I won't be overwhelmingly tired today! I grab both of my medicines, and head out to the car. Anthony already in the car waiting for me, so I just hop into the shotgun seat. I put my medicine in my purse, and then set my purse at my feet. Wait a minute! How did I get my purse, and my medicine? Because I could have sworn that they were at Anthony's? I look at Anthony curiously, but I don't even have to voice my question.

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