Chapter 12: You Can't Keep a Secret Forever

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After me sitting on the bathroom floor for the next couple minutes of bawling my eyes out, we raced Maya back to James' house with Phoenix carrying her bridal style. He gently lied her down on James's bed as we waited for her to wake up and to stop the bleeding from around the stake. Phoenix was the only one brave enough to remove the stake from her abdominal area and keep pressure on it until the bleeding stopped.

 I could tell James and Phoenix were trying to restrain themselves because I could still see their lust filled eyes craving her blood. I even had to threatened to kill them if they didn't control themselves, which surely scared them straight.

 Although, I started to get really suspicious because it seemed as if Phoenix was the one who was the most broken up about Maya almost dying.

However, there wasn't a big guarantee that she would come back to us because she was already partly dead when Phoenix bit her. At this point I didn't really care too much if Magnus came back to kill us. I was scared for my best friends life. Literally and metaphorically.


After about four hours of us just sitting there waiting for Maya to wake up, I finally worked up enough nerve to ask Phoenix this question that has been boggling my mind for the past few hours..

"Care to explain why, you of all people, bit her," I asked a little more harshly than I intended to.

I decided that a quick look in his mind wouldn't hurt to see if he was going to lie to me before I realized that I couldn't because he was a Guard and I was probably going to shit myself for trying too hard.

He had a pensive look on his face, probably debating whether or not to tell me the truth until he finally spoke up after a few long pauses.

"I bit her because," he sighed, "...because I was in love with her."

My eyes widened with such a velocity that I'm pretty sure my eyelashes were touching my eyelids by now. I looked over at James and saw he had the same shocked expression on his face.

"We dated back in junior year and we had reached the point where we were in love with each other and I had cheated and she found out and she said she would never talk to me again. By then she already knew I was a vampire."

But I kept trying to explain to her that it was the heat of the moment and that I was sorry, but she said she didn't want to hear it and she broke up with me right on the spot even though the girl came onto me. I think I had even made it worse because she found out that the other girl was a vampire as well. So I think she felt threatened by her because she was something that she counldn't be and that I wouldn't allow her to be anyway. But in this situation, I had no other choice."

I noticed that the more he told the his story, the glassier his eyes got.

He continued, "Then after that, I went on a killing rampage because of how angry I was then the next day, Maya called me and she said she would have forgiven me if she didn't know what I did. She found out about it on the news that someone had killed 26 people."

James looked up with a look of shock and anger, "That was you?!"

Phoenix stood and backed up while he held his hands up in surrender, shocked by James's outburst, "I said I was sorry."

"Sorry!? You could have exposed us by your little boy tantrum! The least you could have done was clean up after yourself so it wouldn't look so obvious that the supernatural are around. You left them with a clear indication of bite marks on their neck," James said with rage, clear in his voice.

Even though this was supposed to be a serious matter, I'll admit that it's pretty funny when James gets mad because his voice goes through the roof. But as for Phoenix, he really put us in danger with his antics.

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