Chapter 7: Love Triangle Part 2

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Millicent's POV

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Phoenix said while holding up a hand as if to say sorry.

"No it's fine. I j-just didn't see you standing here."

Dammit!! Why do  I always have to stutter at the most embarassing times? Especially when there's a cute boy standing in front of me.

"I just figured I would find you here. Plus I asked the first person I saw're pretty famous around here," he said with a glint in his eyes.

 "It's only because of my sister, Caroline Ross. You might have seen her on TV. She's on this supposedly awesome show."

"Oh yeah," he said snapping his fingers. "But I really came over here to ask you if you were uh... you know... ready for our date tonight."

Hell yeah.

"Oh yeah, I can't wait."

"Plus, we never really talked about what we were gonna do on this date." I nodded slowly. "Soooo I was thinking we could do the clichéd thing and go to the movies."

Even though it was clichéd, I still have a liking for him. Plus there was a new comedy I've been wanting to see anyway.


And that was the end of that conversation. Later that day Phoenix called me and told me when he was gonna pick me up. Turns out he lived in the neighborhood next to mine so it wasn't that hard to give him directions. Usually if it was just James that was  picking me up I wouldn't have cared what I wore. Hell, I could've worn my PJ's if I waned to. But this was different. I was going out on a date with an actual guy that wasn't my best friend. After starting to get ready three hours before 8:00. I took a long shower, curled my hair into some loose waves, and I made sure to put on extra perfume because I knew I was gonna get nervous around him. I ended up wearing my black skinny jeans my combat boots and my black lace corset that had red underneath and my black leather jacket.

Then I heard my doorbell ring.

I did my last and final touch on my eyeliner and sped downstairs. But sadly my mom got there first.

She opened the door and said, "Well, hello there young man."

I literally face palmed my self. Because of embarrassment I hid behind the door so Phoenix wouldn't see me.

"Hi, Mrs. ..."

"Ross. But just Miss. Please come in," my mom said as she gestured her hand for Phoenix to come in.

I started to panic and got her attention before Phoenix walked in. She turned to look at me with a startled look on her face and  suddenly told Phoenix to wait out side for a second. She closed the door in his face, not hard, but way to be subtle mom.

"Mili, dear, care to explain why there is boy standing outside on my front porch, here to pick you up?"

"Well, mother dearest, he asked me out on a date, at the party that James and I went to on Wednesday," I said slyly.

"Well Milli dearest, care to explain where the two of you are going."

"We are going to the movies to watch that new comedy that's out."

"Okay but make sure to be safe."

She turned around to walk to the hallway that contained her bedroom and from what I thought she was done talking to me, she suddenly turned back and sped up to me with something in her hands.

It was a condom.


"Like I said be safe."

I blushed, at the thought of my mom, thinking I was going to the do the "dirty" on the first date. "Mom, it's the first date."

"Are you implying that you would do it on the second date?" she said smirking. I blushed some more (if the that's even possible) and grabbed my coat and ran out the house to Phoenix. I didn't even want think that my mom had that little amount of faith in me.

"Hello Millicent."

"Hello Phoenix," I replied back mockingly. I could never get over how sexy of a name Phoenix was and how much it suited him.

We got to his car and he opened the door for me.

Wow things are looking up for him.

Ewww! I cant believe I just thought about doing the dirty with Phoenix. Well actually I cant blame myself because for one he was smokin' hot and I was kinda wondering how many perfectly sculpted squares were underneath that black button down.

"So Millicent have you figured out what movie you want to see?"

"Yes, I have actually."

"And that is?' He sounded sarcastic, but with the look on his face I knew he was joking.

"Friends with Benefits."

Ironic I know.

He smirked, I attempted to read his mind. Note I said attempted, because I kept coming up with silence. I was starting to get confused, but because he didn't know I was vampire, I didn't express it. So I smirked back pretending, having a good idea on what's going through that mind of his. 

It was very rare for that to happen because when I was little my mom told me that only special vampires can block out other vampires who try to read their mind.
But he gears finally started to turn in my head and I realized that there's a chance that Phoenix could be a vampire. Which could either be a good thing or a bad thing and I was really hoping for good.

Phoenix's POV:

I saw that Millicent just started to stare at me pretty intensely and she squinted her eyes up a bit and I realized two things: 1) She's constipated or 2) she's trying to read my mind. I only know the second option because that's usually what happens when my other vampire friends try to read my mind but I'm one of those "special" vampires. I have a special ability where I can block out people to getting into my head.

"Are you okay?" I asked her figuring that my last realization could my totally ludicrous.

"Yeah, I'm totally fine," she said while waving her hand in a way that made it seem like what happened didn't just happen. But before I knew it we already standing in front of the movie theater.

We got our tickets and went inside.


Shay's A/N:

Hey guys! So Sharmayne and I are super sorry for last weeks late update but this is kind of a bonus because technically its the same week so you guys get 2 updates this week but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. But me and one of my best friends, Nylah, Is co-authoring this book with me and updates will be at least one every weekend so see you guys next time. Bye!

P.S. Our comment box is hungry so please feed it! We really appreciate the comments and tell us what you think about the story so far. :)

Sharmayne's A/N:

Hey people!!! As you know I am the new co-author, and so expect some work from me as well. I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far, I know I absolutely love it. Until next time my new Fangsters. See you soon!


Shay & Sharmayne

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