Chapter 9: Complications, Mixed Feelings, and Suspicions

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Later that night, as I tried to fall asleep, and yes I do sleep. I don't know why Vampire stereo types always assume we don't because just like humans, we need our beauty sleep too. Perfection doesn't just happen and doesn't come easy.

But anyways, I was trying to fall asleep but I couldn't all because of Phoenix. He has kept me up for the past three hours and I don't really know if it was my imagination or not that I saw his eyes flash purple. But in a way, I was hoping it wasn't. To be honest I really do like Phoenix. When I told him what happened to me, he didn't judge me. He didn't say that stupid "sorry" shit people say when they say someone died. He was there for me when James wasn't at the moment and he just listened. But yet I still couldn't tell if I even wanted him as a boyfriend.

Ugh. Why do boys have to be so complicated.

The next day James asked me to go over his house because he said he wanted to talk about a few things. Thinking it was about our little argument and him almost kissing me again, turns out I was way off.

I walked out of my house with my hoodie over my head to cover my face and my black skinny jeans and walked through my backyard to get to next neighborhood over to get to James's house.

I climbed the rope ladder up to James' window, seeing as it had been there for years since we became friends, I climbed in the window to find him playing some game on his X-Box with his headset. When I came in, his back was facing me and I thought it would be funny to scare him and I walked up behind him and yanked it off.

He immediately stood up and sped me over and hit my back against his wall a little harder than I would like and put his hand around my neck. I guess he realized who had yanked off his headset and his widened with recognition.

He removed his hand from my neck as he said, "Millicent! What the hell!? I could've killed you."

"Not likely, seeing as I can already kick your ass," I said as I was brushing off fake lint off my shoulder just to be dramatic.

He looked down at me with annoyance and went to sit back down on his gaming chair.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked while I put my bag down on his bed.

He turned around to look at me and got back up and hugged me very tightly.

Completely surprised, I didn't hug him back until a few seconds later. After a while of standing there just enjoying each others embrace, he pulled back and held my shoulders as he said, "Millicent, I'm so sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" I asked completely dumbfounded.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you and almost trying to kiss you again. That was way past crossing the line," he said scratching the back of his neck. "I didn't mean it Mill. Something just came over me and I didn't know how to control it."

"It's okay, its not your fault," I said hugging him once again. "But I do have to tell you something though."

"What is it? Are you okay? Did somebody hurt you? Oh my God, was it Phoenix?" he asked me worryingly.

"Oh my gosh James, chill out. I'm fine and no, Phoenix did not hurt me but this is about him though."

He looked at me curiously.

If somebody was gonna tell James that me and Phoenix kissed then it would have to be me. I didn't like when I had to lie to James. It only made me hyperventilate and feel guilty to the point of insanity so I have to tell him. I sat James down on his bed and looked at him.

Nice pep talk. I see you've been catching up on your episodes of Dr. Phil.

Oh shut up brain. Ugh, I swear I sometimes hated my sassy side.

"What is it?"

"He kissed me."

As I anticipated, James blew up. He practically jumped off the bed and brought his hands to his head as if he were trying to process the information I had just given him.

"There's more."

"How could there possibly be more? Does it get worse? My God Millicent, he is a human. You cant be with him or some problems will arise with the council."

I completely forgot about the council. A.K.A the VAC. The Vampire Agency of Commitment. The council basically controlled everything in your love life, except for who you choose to be your mate as long as they're a vampire.

"But that's just the thing though." I took in a deep breath. "The thing is hat after he kissed me, I saw his eyes flash purple the same way after you kissed me."

James looked at me with disbelief before sitting back down on the bed before saying," So what you're saying is, is that you think Phoenix is a vampire."

I nodded.

"Okay, but how do you know that. It could have just been the street lights."

"That's not the only way I know. When my leg caved in and I was about to fall, Phoenix ran over to me so fast it looked like he was going your speed and when we were in the car and I tried to read his mind, I couldn't. It was like he was a Guard."

"Okay, there is probably a chance he is a vampire but rewind. What do mean when your leg caved in?"


"I said caved in? No I meant to say that I tripped. Why would me leg cave in?"

Yes! I didn't stutter.

"Millicent after all these years, you really still think you can lie to me?"


"Millicent, what are you not telling me?"

I think the Gods of Vampires were watching over me when my phone decided to ring at that second.

But when I saw the caller ID I saw that is the one and only, my mother. I quickly answered it considering she never usually called me during the day.

"Honey you need to come home right now."

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked suddenly worried.

"I think your father's home."


CLIFFHANGER!! Hey guys! I know your mad at me because I didn't update last week but me and Sharmayne's final exams are coming up and we kept having to be tested on a bunch of stupid things which was really exhausting but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it wasn't one of the longest but I have been having severe writers block and Sharmayne couldn't help me either because she got grounded and got her stuff taken away until Feb. 7 so that mad it even worse and it was a vey crappy chapter and I didn't know what to write but I hope you guys enjoyed and happy reading.

P.S. Guys me and my co-author really need you guys to comment on how we're doing so that we can make it better and thank you guys so much for reading but we really need you to comment.

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