Chapter 4: Party with Phoenix

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   Later that night I did my awesome hygiene stuff and put on my awesome black distressed shorts and a black top that showed my shoulders and had straps that crossed in the back. I put on my combat boots and curled my hair. By then it was about 8:05.  Im already ,"fashionably late" (not that I cared).

James honked his horn out side and I grabbed my cross body bag and went outside to meet James.

He was standing in front of the passenger side door and opened it for me. When I came into to full light in front of his car headlights that's when he stopped me.

"Nope. Uh Uh. You need to go change, like right now," James said with a dissaproving look on his face.

"What! Why", I yelled at him in frustration.

"Because...actually no, scratch that, didn't we already talk about this earlier. I said that guys will want to try something with you because your pretty and then you dress like that", he said motioning his hands in a way that made it look like he was scanning me.

"Yes, I am dressed like this. Why are you being so protective all of a sudden? I'm to old for most of those guys at that party anyways. Actually no, scratch that", I said mimicking what he said earlier," I am to old for all the guys there."

"Only because they don't know that our kind exist. So for all they know is that your seventeen."

"Fine! But I still don't see why your so upset. It's not even that revealing," I said stomping away from him.

"Keyword, "that"", he said under his breath. I caught what he said because of my very developed hearing.

"Asshole." I spat back quietly.

James responded with a laugh. By then I was already up in my room. I ended up changing into a pair of black distressed shorts and a deep purple crop top and my combat boots. I sped downstairs and showed James my new outfit.


"No. To much leg showing."

I flashed my eyes red at him. And yes I can change my eye color to whatever I please. It's one of my many special talents that come with the perks of being a vampire.

"Alright. Chill Milli. I was kidding."

I shot him  glare and got inside of his black Porsche. I know what your thinking. He compelled the sales dealer into giving him the car for only $500. Compulsion is James's special talent, which I was super jelly of since we became friends.

We got to the party in one-piece thanks to James's reckless driving.

We walked up the hill to the mansion sized house know as Alexander Hawthorne's house. Apparently I found out that his parents were big on broadway and were away doing a show.

We walked inside and I went to the keg on the living room.

"Oh no you don't Mill. No alcohol for you. Remember your last episode. You almost exposed us."

I recalled the last party I went to where I got so wasted I almost flashed my fangs and bit a guy who threw up on me. Luckily, James was there to pull me away from him before he saw my sharp pearly whites.

"Relax mom. It won't happen again. Plus its just one cup."

"Fine. But don't let me catch you doing that again. Otherwise no more parties."

I had no choice but to agree. I walked into the kitchen where I saw the most sex-god like guy leaning up against the wall on his phone.

I need to talk to him. No, scratch that. I have to talk to him.

He had pitch black curly hair and had on a white V-neck with a leather jacket, black jeans and black combat boots. He was wearing something so simple. Then why did he manage to look like someone out of a Vampy catalog.

I built up some confidence and walked up to him and took his phone out of his hand.


"Don't hey me. You shouldn't be on your phone when your at an awesome party like this," I said gesturing my hands around the kitchen like it fully explained what I just said.

"Well since you took my phone, I think I deserve a name."

"Hmm. I don't know big boy. I don't give out information that easily."

"Well mines Phoenix." He said holding out his hand.

"Alright fine. I think it's only fair. I'm Millicent." I said shaking his hand. " But you can call me Milli or Mill.

"That's really pretty.Since we have now swapped names I think I deserve my phone back, " he said pointing to his black iphone5 in my hand.

I could have sworn my face was the color of a rose. I gave his phone back to him.

"Thank you. And I only give pretty girls this," he said pulling a red rose from the plant that was next to him.

Ok. Now I swear my face is the color of the very deep red rose in his hand. I took the rose from him and smelled it.

"Thanks," I said blushing.

"Hey, uh," he said scratching the back of his neck. He almost look nervous. I had no idea I have that effect on guys. " Are you doing anything on Thursday night."


Oooo. What will Milli say to that. Let me know on what you would like to see in the next chapter. Updates will now be every Sunday and sometimes on a Friday or Saturday starting from today. So please tell your friends about this story and vote. There will probably be some pretty heated stuff in this new love triangle.

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