Chapter 8: Revelations

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Millicent's POV:

Towards the middle of the movie and after almost a millions bursts of laughter, I noticed Phoenix start to tense up. Thinking it was nothing I turned back to the movie. But I now saw Phoenix in my peripheral vision and I saw his hand kind of slowly inch over to where my arm was on the arm rest of the theater chair and it looked like he wanted to hold my hand. So without hesitation I looked down to let him know that I saw what he was doing and he quickly jerked his hand back and said,"Sorry."

I looked at him once more and gave him a sincere smile even though he probably couldn't see it I reached down to his left hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

He looked at me curiously, but all I did was smile and look back at the screen. To be honest, I started tuning out the movie when my mind drifted back to when we in the car at my house. I couldn't seem to get over the fact that I couldn't read Phoenix's mind and that started to frustrate me, I mean I have heard that being a special ability, but only for vampires, and as far as I'm concerned, Phoenix is a human.

I glanced at Phoenix, only to find him staring intently at me, like he was searching for something. I scrunched my eyebrows curiously, as if to ask what was wrong. Although he said nothing, something flashed in his eyes, but left just as quickly. I shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing, that I was just imagining things. We both looked back, at the screen, we both laughed a couple of times and I almost forgot we were holding hands.

When the movie was over we walked out of the theater still holding hands and made our way to his car.

The drive back to my house was pretty silent but not the bad kind.

I though we were going back to my house but as soon as I saw Phoenix make a wrong turn, I quickly corrected him and my gaurds quickly shot up.

"Uh, house is the other way."

"I know. But I want to show you something."

Okay. This was getting kind of weird. Suddenly, Phoenix turned into a small lot that looked like it was in the middle of nowhere and all around it was just grass that seemed to go on for miles. Not another building in sight nor another place where humans could possibly be just in case Phoenix wasn't who he said he was. A bunch of thoughts started to run wildly through my cranium all coming back to the fact that I though Phoenix was either a serial killer or he was going to kidnap me.

Although now that I though about it i didnt really need anyone to save me because i had my trusty ol' vampire powers.

Gosh. I swear I hate it when I thought like a human sometimes.

Phoenix parked on the corner of the grass and got out of his black Chey Silverado and I did the same. He made his way around the back of the truck and took out a red and white checkered blanket, some candles, and a rather large duffle bag.

I followed him to a spot a good 10 or 15 feet away from his truck.

He then set down the blanket and took out the four candles out from under his arm and set them on the blanket's four corners and lit them with a lighter he took out from his back pocket.

He quickly sat down and patted the spot next to him.

"No. I am not sitting dow until you tell me what the hell we are doing in the middle of nowhere," I shouted at him.

He saighed and said,"Okay, since you're asking and its not obvious enough, we are having a late night picnic."

Okay, now i just felt pretty stupid and it was hella obvious what he was doing but I needed a full answer.

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