By an Evil Man (4)

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Hang on for me, guys - the Zelink will come.

Still technically on hiatus, lol, but I'm still posting stuff? idk how that makes sense. i guess because i haven't had the chance to respond to a ton of comments... i love you guys, i swear!!! trying to figure life out still

Was going to post tomorrow, but I have to do something so I'm posting tonight ;p enjoy and please do the vote/comment/etc thing

Dedicated to Nerdlife4ever for joining our community! Love love love!


Published as of 10/27/17

Edited as of 


A desperate knock resounds on her door at the break of dawn, but she remains silent, listening for signs of who her visitor is. A voice calls out for her to open her door, and she recognizes it immediately as Lord Ganondorf's.

She's torn between both desire and knowledge, knowing that he'll be angry that she left him and hid last night but wanting so desperately for him to sweep her into his arms and kiss her pain away. She just wants him to prove her doubts wrong - to show her that he's the perfect gentleman she always thought he was.

"Zelda, open the door," he commands, rapping on her door again. "Are you in there? Zelda... I know you're in there... Stop ignoring me and open the door... I just wish to speak with you..."

Her eyes flick down to where a bruise has formed on her wrist. He was the cause of that bruise. Her lips part as words begin to form before she can stop them, "I will not open the door, Ganondorf. You hurt me."

He groans audibly from outside the door before beginning to press against it, attempting to shove it somehow. "Just open the door, Zelda!"

Already, she can feel her resolve starting to weaken, and her teeth grit together as she tries to remain strong. "I... Leave me be, Ganondorf."

The well crafted wooden door quivers as she assumes Ganondorf has placed his full weight on it. "If you don't open this door, I'll open it myself, woman." His voice is trembling with fury, and she kicks her legs over the side of her bed, fighting her desire to cower in her barricaded room.

She knows that he's quite strong, but when he manages to shove her door open, regardless of the dresser blocking it, she becomes fearful. With every step he takes toward her, his sneer grows, and she folds her arms over her chest, not bothering to hide her glare.

Her breathing intensifies as he makes it to where she's standing in merely three strides when it would have taken her at least eight or nine. Her paper thin nightgown makes her feel completely insecure as he grips her shoulders with his large hands, staring down at her with his angry brows furrowed together.

They're both deathly silent as his amber eyes bore into hers, and she can feel her heart thundering in her chest. His hold on her tightens, and his booming voice startles her out of their eerie stillness, "Woman, you will not pull a stunt like what you did yesterday ever again..." He doesn't speak for some time more, and she's just begging for the awful moment to be over when he continues, "It was childish and immature and just further proves why the men are in charge. So I repeat myself again. You will not pull a stunt of that nature ever again. Do I make myself clear?"

She's humiliated, being treated as though she's a child and not a nineteen year old woman, and it infuriates her. Her cheeks heat up as she balls her fists by her side. "No, Ganondorf."

Taken aback for a second, the Desert Lord has a quick recovery, speedy to raise his brow in indignation and spew out more angry words, "What makes you think you have a right to even object to me, Zelda?" He says her name in a sneer, not at all like the hauntingly sweet way he once did.

"I... I'm not your maid servant nor am I your subject. I'm the Crown Princess of Hyrule, and you will treat me accordingly," she says, her voice not wavering once as she dons her royal mannerisms and icy exterior.

At her defiant words, his sneer grows into a sickening, self satisfied smile. "Oh, but who do you think I will be once we marry, Zelda?" Not waiting for her to answer his question, he launches into a response. "I'm most certainly above the prince consort title... Theoretically, marriage would equal us in rank... But not in power. I will always have the upper hand, Zelda."

Fear growing within her, she suddenly realizes just how dire her situation is. She must escape this awful man, full of evil intent. He leans in closer to her, his hot breath scalding the delicate skin of her neck. His hands drift from her shoulders to her waist, and she feels as though she's a frightened deer, startled stiff.

"Remove your hands," she says slowly, fighting to keep her voice level. When he doesn't comply with her wishes, she repeats herself, "Remove your hands, Lord Ganondorf. Or I will scream."

He lifts her chin with his finger, gazing at her straight in the eye while shaking his head condescendingly. "Zelda, Zelda, Zelda. You know that you'll never be able to escape me, yes? I will find you, captivate you, and then... destroy your fragile little heart." With a violent hand, he shoves her face away, and she winces slightly at the rough movement. Turning away from her quickly, he walks toward her door, casting a glance of warning back at her before he exits the room. "You'll never escape me, Princess. Nor should you want to. Get rid of those Silent Princesses. I'm allergic."

The loud resonance of her door slamming behind him makes her jump slightly as her eyes land on the vase full of Silent Princesses resting on her dresser. While clenching her fists and gritting her teeth, she holds the glass vase and carries it to her bathroom, slowly watching the water drain onto the tiled floor as her flowers float to join it.

It's as though she's in a trance, completely unaware of what she's really doing, her eyes glazing over as the glass slips from her hands, shattering against the floor. Shards pierce her feet, yet she feels no pain. None at all.

Somehow, even if it's just for a few moments... she needs an escape. Racing through the corridors barefoot while in her nightgown and robe is almost liberating, and she arrives at the stables, completely breathless. Meeting the stable boy's eyes, he simply understands. Escape.

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