"Though let's change the subject, its too depressing." The fire ninja chuckled, raising his head and looking at the bottles lining the wall. "Before we do, just wanted to say. You can trust me man, I'll try to help as much as I can. I'll be your wingman." Jay reassured, slinging an arm on Kai's broad shoulders.

"Appreciate it, motormouth." He snorted. "Hey." He cried out indignantly with a smile, taking the joke. He lightly shoved his friend in the shoulder who started to laugh at the light push. They talked for a while, joking and drinking lightly - though neither desired to get drunk so they were careful of how much they drank - Jay was glad he talked to Kai and felt his heart slightly mend from Cole's absence.


Kai liked talking with Jay, they both respected each other's raw subjects and joked around a lot. He regretted that he had pushed the blue ninja away so much in the earlier stages of their friendship but now he wants to make up for it.

"So, this one time when I was with my dad, we had gone out into the desert, it was hot as hell and I would barely see with how soggy my hair was. I was fifteen at this point and moody. We were looking for this one place my dad had found a few days earlier that apparently had a ton of mechanical parts I would love. Did I mention we had brought a tow truck? No? Well we did and-" Kai relaxed at the chatter that his friend provided, it was very much entertaining until he looked behind Jay and glanced behind him.

Jay had his back to most of the room except him and the corner, catching eyes of somebody with green eyes with matching hazel brown and green hair. The guy wore a red scarf and white tank, he couldn't see below his torso due to Jay's position but he seemed to be glaring at them both with the rage of a thousand suns. He suddenly refocuses on Jay who now held a concerned expression.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, concerned and Kai blinks, processing the question. "Yeah, sorry. I spaced out." He apologized, Jay suddenly grins. "It's alright, it happens to me sometimes too." Kai scratches the back of his neck with a small grimace, looking slightly sheepish. "Still, sorry."

"Eh, it's fine, want a drink?" He offered and he nodded, sliding him five bucks, he looked at him with a confused stare.

"Let me pay for this round."


Jay then moved his torso, leaning onto the bar to call out to the bartender and speak with him. Kai took his chance and tried to look back at where the dude was earlier only to find that he was now moving towards them both, revealing that he was glaring at Jay's back.

He got on the defensive, catching Jay's attention. The blue ninja saw that he was looking at somebody, Jay followed his protective gaze only to find this dude that was standing only two feet away and glaring at him. Kai stuck a hand on the bar, catching the empty shot-glass between his fingers, ready to throw it if the stranger got aggressive.

The brunette slid into the stool on the other side of Jay, placing him between them both. 'Coward.' He seethed inwardly, Jay spun around but kept his torso facing the bar so that Kai could clearly see the guy.

The lightning ninja's face held confusion as he analyzed his appearance, seemingly racking his brain as to why he seemingly hated him so much. "Hey Walker, it seems you finally made a friend after all this time." The stranger spoke in his raspy voice, holding a glass of whiskey in his hand. "I must admit, I'm surprised."

The voice seemed to ring familiarity to Jay and his face now showed slight alarm and his skin turned pale. Kai felt protectiveness wash over him for his brother and he placed his hand on his shoulder, reassuring him that he had backup.

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