The girl calmed a bit as she said in a shaky voice, "Lila, my name is Lila."

      "Nice to meet you, Lila. I'm Raya Stark, I'm here to help," Raya told her as she stood up and put out her hand, the girl looked at it unsure before taking it. 

     Raya found some people that knew Lila and she left the young girl with them before retreating back to Lord Bolton and Ace who were talking, she decided to listen in. 

      "There are more Villages being attacked, not just this one," Ace spoke crossing his arms, "we can stop them for now but once we leave it will happen more and more."

     "How do you suppose we stop them, Sir Ace?" Lord Bolton asked sounding like he was judging towards the Southern Knight.

      "I don't know-"

      "That's right, you don't know, that's because you don't know the North, don't act like you do," Lord Bolton told him, "this should be handled by Northerners only."

      Raya saw the anger on Ace's face and knew if she didn't step in, he may do something he would regret. 

     "We need to find the source of the Lannister forces, take them out and show them we aren't to be messed with," Raya spoke up walking over as the two men looked at her, "do either of you disagree?"

     "The King said not to question your judgment," Lord Bolton said.

     "That doesn't matter to me, I want your opinions, now speak." Raya ordered.

     "Well..." Lord Bolton cleared his throat and began to speak his mind, "maybe a distraction placed by Sir Ace's men could get the Lannister forces out and we attack them when they least expect it."

     "And we die in the process," Ace spoke sarcastically, "we need to find their camp and attack while they're asleep, be quiet about it and slit their throats whilst they sleep. It's an easier and a better plan than risking half our forces." 

      The Northern Lord scoffed as he crossed his arms, "kill men in their sleep is tasteless and your a craven to do so. Go with my plan, My Lady, don't kill men in their sleep like a heartless craven. Give them the warriors death they deserve."

     Raya thought on their words, more so Roose Bolton's... His words struck out to her... The warrior's death they deserve, don't be heartless. He was right, killing men in their sleep was just cruel. 

      "We'll attack them on the battlefield, you'll lead the distraction, Sir Ace and we'll attack them whilst they are distracted, got it?" Raya asked giving Ace a look.

      Ace didn't like it, she could tell but he would not refuse her, "I got it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

     Raya watched Ace and his men on her horse from a distance waiting for the signal with Lord Bolton and his men. She trusted Ace, she really did but this rivalry with Lord Bolton kind of confused her. She didn't know Roose Bolton personally, but she knew his house, there were not good rumors from it. But Roose Bolton seemed like a good man. 

      "Where did you meet Sir Ace, My Lady?" Lord Bolton asked.

      Raya looked at him and answered, "after a Tourney in Kingslanding, we were in the same one for Archery and I beat him. He was congratulating and confronting me at the same time."

     "Confronting you for what?" He asked.

      "He knew that I knew about Jon Arryn's murder," she answered honestly as she set her eyes on Ace again remembering how they met and what he was like, "that my... Father knew about his murder and he wanted to know why that was. He had threatened me that if I got in his way of vengeance he'd take me out."

     "And you trust him now?" He asked making her look at him, he looked at her distinctive eyes making her question things.

      "I..." Raya hesitated for the first time on this question, what had made her hesitate? She trusts him, right? She has to... He saved her life. She trusts him. "I-"

     "Its the signal," one of the Bolton soldiers pointed out making the two look and see that it was, in fact, the signal.

     "Okay, let's go kill some Lannister scum boys!" Raya started off and they all followed her lead...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

     After the battle, many had died on both sides and many from their own side were from Ace's men just like Ace had predicted and he was beyond angry, Raya could tell but he was acting calm like he didn't care. Why was that? She wasn't sure. 

      It was night time, they had their dead sent to their homeland to be mourned by their families and some men were around the fire whilst others were asleep. Raya was sitting with the men by the fire talking to them like a civilized person, Lord Bolton was out there as well, and Ace was nowhere to be seen, Raya guessed that he was asleep. 

      That was when Raya got a bad feeling, she had just laughed at a joke one of the soldiers had said but the feeling was beyond overwhelming. She looked around her hoping to figure out why she was feeling this way when she saw a flaming arrow hit the wagon that had a bunch of stuff on it, a lot of it was flammable, she was about to yell when suddenly the Wagon exploded!

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