06 opportunity

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Ming took great pleasure in seeing the tall male flustered. He must have thought the a freshman student like him would never dare say such words back.

"Ha.Ha.Ha." Phana laughed at him awkwardly, trying to ease the tension Ming was creating. "Very funny." He didn't move an in from his spot, looking at the first year nervously.

"I'm not lying P'ha~ I am deeply interested in you. Do you want me to demonstrate?"

Ming kept his hands where it was and savored each second the older male

It was to Phana's great fortune that someone passed by, forcing Mingkwan to end his little game.

"Be careful of your jokes P'. You'll never know when it will bite you on your ass. Nice ass by the way." Ending his words with a wink and leaving the senior male standing dumbly where he stood.

As much as Ming enjoyed tormenting Phana, he was annoyed by the amount of effort he had to put in the contest. He almost considered stopping his plan because of it. But it was too late to back off. He had made his bed when he volunteered and got chosen among 300 male students of the engineering faculty. This means that he couldn't slack off. Never did he realized that the popular moons and stars the would hear about in high school had so many responsibilities and a certain image to maintain.

Even thinking about it was making him tired.

Ming listened attentively at the pageant orientation. He even recorded the whole thing just in case he missed out some of the reminders.

It caught the younger male by surprise when he saw Phana waiting for him. He expected that the older male had abadoned him because of the things he said.

"Are you telling me, you're really interested in me P'?" Ming joked as he approached Phana.

Phana looked extremely uncomfortable but held his ground. He looked like he was trying to appear unaffected but the slightly pinkish cheeks obviously showed that he was failing in it.

"Shut it kid before I pummel your face." Phana replied coldly. His cold attitude didn't dampen Ming's mood. Instead, it put the younger male in a better mood.

Ming leaned his body on the wall beside them and croosed his arms languidly. His smile got bigger as he pointed out something the older male had forgotten. "I'm this year's Moon of the engineering. P'Forth will have your head if you do that."

The look on Phana's face told him that what he said was right. As long as he was the moon candidate of the faculty, Phana couldn't touch him. It was the perfect chance to take advantage.

Hearing no response from Phana, Ming got bolder and leaned forward to whisper. "So P'.... you can't touch me, but I can touch you."

"Oi Nong! What are you doing?" Beam's voice interrupted their little moment in which Phana was secretly grateful for. Ming took his time before moving away from the older male and greet Beam and Kit. The situation they saw was a bit ambiguous.

They have never seen Phana get so close with anyone so fast. Even Pring, the star of the faculty of last year and Phana's partner, managed to be close with Phana only at the end of the contest. This junior of theirs was really something.

"Good afternoon P'. I'll leave him to you. Thank you for the advise P'Pha. Until next time." Ming was smart enough to quickly make his escape but before that, he winked at the older male and then made a run for it.

All three seniors where dumbfounded by Ming's behavior especially Phana. The first year was just too much.

"What's wrong with that kid?" Kit approached Phana.

"He's crazy." Phana muttered in reply. He felt like he was going tk have a headache.

"You're crazy. You never let anyone treat you like that. What's wrong with you?" Beam pointed out. He was weirded out by his friend's current attitude towards the first year. Phana was never the type who doesn't fight back.

"It's that kid. He's fearless. He doesn't care if I'm older than him."

"Then teach him a lesson." Kit suggested, forgetting how much his friend had changed.

"I'm not like that anymore. You know why." Phana's voice got colder, warning his friend of his mood. They both knew that their friend doesn't like to be reminded of that.


Mingkwan went back to his dorm unit and was welcomed with his best friend, lying on his front and was reading his favorite one piece manga.

"I'm home darling. Is dinner ready?" He ducked just before a pillow hit his face.

"Darling my ass. Go get your food downstairs. The canteen is open." Wayo snorted and turned his attention back to his manga.

"I'm feeling lazy. I know you have some gummies in your stash. Give me some." Ming was feeling a little clingy at the moment and let his body fall on top of his best friend.

"Hey! You're heavy! Get off!" Wayo pushed him away. Ming rolled off and laid on the bed like a dead dish, annoying his friend.

Wayo took out a packet of gummies and tossed it at Ming's.

"Thanks." Ming said as he happily munched on some gummies.

"How's the revenge thing going? Is it done? Do we have to transfer now?" Wayo asked.

Ming made a disappointed sound at his friend. Wayo was still too naive.
"It's too early my little cutie friend. Revenge doesn't work that way. You have to take it slow or else, it'll fail. Plus, the game hasn't even started yet."

"I'm really scared Ming. I don't want that to happen again. I thought I lost you." Wayo laid down beside his best friend.

Ming reassured his friend with a smile and looked at the boring ceeiling of their room. "That won't happen again Yo. We're stronger now. Those bullies will be the bullied this time around. I promise you."



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