02 first day.

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In the white long sleeved uniform, a pair of black slacks with a dark blue tie embroidered with the university emblem, Ming grinned at his reflection, satisfied that after a year he had changed for the better. 

His thin stature and hideous braces were no more. Ming worked hard to develop muscles making his figure fit better in clothes. Unlike before, his clothes would always look bigger. His physique that time was in an awkward phase where his clothes would either be too big or too tight if it was a size smaller.

He wasn't the only one. Even the nerdy-faced Wayo had gone through some changes and it was for the better. His best friend's glasses has been replaced with contact lenses and he had gained a bit of muscle. The baby fat was gone but he had only got an inch taller. It only made Wayo so much cuter that his father had tried convincing his son to find a school closer to home. 

Just as he was looking at himself (a/n: hahah! so vain), a cutesy tone he specially assigned to his best friend rang. He picked up his phone and answered.

"What is it Yo?"

"Ming!" Wayo called out his name in a whiny voice, much the same when they were in high school. His friend haven't changed except for his looks. "When are you going to pick me up? Didn't you say we're going to school together?"

"Eh? When did I tell you that?" Ming made one last check on his appearance before getting his things. He and Wayo were now living in the same dorm. Ming guessed that his best friend was now waiting for him downstairs in the lobby.

"When we were in middle school. You promised me that every year, you will be with me on the first day."

Mingkwan laughed. This guy, really?How long has it been? He didn't think it would be valid even on their first year in college. But even if there's no promise, he would still go with his best friend to school gladly.

"Fine. I'm on my way.You haven't forgotten anything, right?" He jogged down the stairs and reminded Wayo. 

"Nope. You see then."

Ming smiled when he saw how well Wayo looked in their new uniform. He ruffled Wayo's hair in affection. Within a year, his best friend had gotten a lot cuter. His milky white complexion and slightly rounded cheeks were begging to be pinched.  Ming was sure boys and girls alike would go crazy for his friend. It looked like he would have as his knight.

"Ming! Not the hair! It took me twenty minutes fix it." Wayo leaned away from his hand and made an attempt to fix his hair.

"Stop being cute then. You're going to raise problems with your cuteness." Mngkwan teased.

Wayo still hated being called cute, glaring at Ming because of it. "I'm not cute. I'm handsome!"

Mingkwan rolled his eyes and checked the time. They were going to be late. He pulled the keys from his pocket and pulled Wayo out of the building.

"Slow down! Your legs are long!" Wayo grouched as he was pulled to the parking lot.

Ming slowed down a bit but kept moving.

Today was the school's orientation for freshman students. Both Ming and Wayo got accepted in the Engineering department so they didn't have to separate. 

The first year students of their faculty had assembled by the bleachers when they arrived. They quickly joined the others and waited for the orientation to start.

It didn't take long before the orientation began. A male second year student who introduced himself as Suthee told them what to expect in their department.

Wayo was nervous about the hazing. He had forgotten about it. The only reason why he worked so hard to be in the engineering department was to be with his best friend. Ming was determined to be in this faculty. He wanted to be in the science department but was scared to be alone. And thus, he followed his best friend. It was hard but he managed to pass.

Mingkwan on the other hand was excited for the hazing. He had heard about it. He knew that they would be pushed to their physical limits but it was tradition and still heard good things about it.

The hazing team was introduced soon after Suthee introduced the other activities. The head hazer was Forth. He was tall with sharp eyes that seemed to see through you and a face that could rival a models.

Ming could hear the chatters from the other students. They looked so excited even though they expressed earlier their fear of the hazing team. A handsome face changed everything.

"Hello everyone. I will be this year's head hazer. I hope that all of you will participate in this school's hazing tradition. Follow the rules and there will be no problems between us. Am I clear?"

"Yes!" The freshman crowd answered in unison.

Suthee, who was standing beside the head hazer began speaking again. "Thank you P' Forth. Before we end the orientation for a break, we will also be introducing this year's assistance and cheer group. They're sophomores like me and will be assisting you in your transition as college students."

Suthee gestured to his left  where three eye-catching students standing there.

Wayo held Ming's hand tightly when he saw who they were. The smaller male was still scarred by that event. Ming was also the same but coped about it differently.

Ming almost laughed at the coincidence slapping his face.

Out of all places where the three most horrible people in his life chose to study, Ming had chosen that one. What was worse was that they're in the same department. Ming wouldn't be able to get away even if he wanted to.

Ming smirked and looked up, wondering what will happen next. A thought then came to him.

Should he get his revenge?

He touched his left shoulder and grinned at the three males. Revenge didn't seem to be a bad idea.



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