03 sight

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Phana waved at the excited crowd and introduced himself. 

"My name is Phana Kongthanin, a sophomore and I'll be the leader for the support team. With my friends and the rest of my team, we'll help you adjust in this university just like how my seniors helped me last year."

Majority of the first years looked excited especially the female population and a portion of the male ones.  He almost smirked at the attention he was getting. He wasn't oblivious about it. He knew he was good looking more so with Beam and Kit not lacking in looks, the three of them were eye-catching. It was the reason why they were forced to be part of the support committee. 

This was Forth's fault and Phana's misfortune when he got chosen as Moon representative last year. The attention he got made him the perfect tool to provide a good image of their faculty. Forth used his good looks and reputation to ask the professors and his fellow classmates to vote for Phana as next year's support team leader. Phana couldn't say no to his professors. They promised him and his friends extra credits for their participation. In the end, Forth got what he wanted. 

It didn't seem so bad after the responsibilities were explained to him. Even though he was chosen as the leader of the committee, being in-charge doesn't mean he'll have to be the one helping all the first years in their faculty. The engineering department has over 500 first years. That would be too much for him to handle. 

His two friends also introduced themselves. The first years reacted almost the same as when Phana introduced themselves. 

There mere presence caused a sensation among the new students. The head hazer congratulated himself silently for choosing such good looking students. This way first years would be more active in school activities. 


Phana scanned the crowd of first years and spotted a tall male among the crowd. The male student stood out because of his height and the way he was looking at him. Unlike the others who were looking at him and his friends with admiration, he was smirking for some reason. Phana then noticed the student beside the smirking one. This one however looked stiff as if he saw something unpleasant.

The two acted very odd.

"Beam. Kit. You two know those two?" Phana discreetly pointed at the two students who caught his attention.

His two best friends looked at where he was pointing and shook their heads almost in unison. 

Beam shrugged. "No. Is there something wrong?"

"I don't know. Something's not right with the way that first year is looking at us."

"The other male student beside him looks cute though." Kit said, blatantly expressing interest. 

Beam scrunched his nose. "You two won't look together. You're both cute."

Kit glared at his friend. "I'm not cute you b@st@rd. How many times have I told you that!"

"Whatever you say Kitkat." Phana joined in, while keeping his attention on the tall male by the bleachers.


Forgive this filler chapter. There's not much going on here. But the next one will have our first Ming and Phana encounter. Until then...


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