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kms_kindof_person asked Keef, what's the dumbest pun Lance has ever made?

Keith: ...

Keith: You're calling me that on purpose

Keith: Well....

Keith: I don't get his puns ha;f the time

Keith: And I can't choose just one

Keith: But....

Keith: He says horrible bi puns

Keith: Like I know that you're bi

Keith: I've seen you flirt with girls and you're dating me

Lance: My puns are better than your jokes

Keith: I do not joke

Lance: I don't go to family restaurants because I'm not sure if orphans are allowed

Keith: ....

Keith: I-

Lance: 'Knock Knock'

Lance: 'Who's there?'

Lance: 'Not my parents'

Lance: 'Do you know why orphans are bad at Baseball?'

Lance: 'Because we can never find home'

Lance: 'Can I watch a PG film?'

Lance: They are as depressing as fuck

Keith: Not all my jokes are because I'm an orphan

Lance: Yeah the others are like 'Mufasa is proof that cats don't always land on their feet'

Lance: 'Why did Hitler kill himself?' 'He saw the gas bill'

Lance: 'I hate how funerals are always at 9 a.m. – I'm not really a mourning person'

Keith: ...

Lance: We're watching Finding Nemo

Lance: That should keep you out of the dark corner

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