Question 7

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Rebekkah487 asked 'Lance and Keith do you know what YouTube is?'

Lance: Yes

Keith: *at the same time* Sort of

Lance: *stares at his boyfriend*

Keith: *raises his eyebrow and shrugs*

Lance: You... don't know what YouTube is?

Keith: Well I know it's this website where you put on videos and watch them and all that stuff. Never used it so don't know that much

Lance: ....


Keith: *confused* What's the big deal about it?

Lance: You hut up and ask questions about it later. *mutters as he goes to see Pidge* Hasn't even seen YouTube, seriously...

Kieth: *To you guys* I lived with my dad in Texas for a while until I was six then he abandoned me at an orphanage which was not the most pleasant experience and let's not go into details. Then I went  from foster home to foster home and those ones were not really the best of places to be. *says to himself* I still have bruises.

Keith: *realizes what he said* I said.. uh... shoelaces! Because they were all shoemakers *chuckles weakly*

Keith: So anyway until I was fourteen I didn't know even what Disney was. I think that is why I liked Twilight for a while. I had never seen a book about fantasy stuff like that.

Keith: Do me a favor and don't tell Lance

I'm sorry. I couldn't help it.

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