The Set Up

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Lugo POV 🌑

After Bread busted his nut on me, we kissed then chuckled at the bomb sex we just had. Honestly, I needed that more than I thought I did. All these killings that's been happening has really been stressing me out.

I got another text from Shae, telling me to go back to my house. Seconds later, Bread got a text.

"Who's that?" I asked him.

"A text from Shae. He wants me to go to your house for some reason." He responded.

I started to get nervous, thinking something happened to him and he's hurt. "Come on let's hurry and get cleaned up so we can go." I said as I got off the bed and lead Bread into the shower with me.

After we were done, we put on our clothes and headed out of his house to go to my house.

Shae POV

I regained consciousness as I opened my eyes. I looked to my left and noticed the killer is no longer in the car. In fact, I looked at the seat and noticed the killer left his mask and hooded robe in here. Which means the killer is no longer in disguise.

I noticed we aren't that far from Lugo's house. I got out of the car and made my way back to the house since I'm not staying out here in this wrecked cop car with the killer's uniform next to me. How would that look?

When I finally made it back to Lugo's house, I noticed cars parked near the house. I also noticed Tasha's body isn't in the street, which is weird because now I don't even know where it could be.

I walked up to the front door and heard some talking. After listening closer, I realized Lugo, Bread, and Bren are in the house. I sighed in relief and opened the door.

Bren POV

The door opened with Shae walking inside, causing all of us to look at him with concern and curiosity. I watched as he looked at all of us here right in confusion. All of us being: Me, Lugo, Bread, Jacob, Victor, and Tyler.

"What's going on?" He asked us.

"What's going on with us? The question is what's going on with you" I replied.

"I'm confused as to why you're all here...."

"You sent all of us a text, telling us that we need to be here right now and it's important." Tyler informed him.

"What? No I didn't." Shae said.

Lugo pulled out his phone and showed Shae the message he sent him. "See, you did."

"No, I didn't text you Lugo. Wait, all of y'all got the same text from my number?" Shae asked.

"Well if you didn't text us, then who did?" Jacob said.

I looked at Victor with an annoyed expression and he shook his head at me.

"I swear to God I didn't text y'all." Shae said before digging in his pocket and pulling out his phone, only to go through his messages and see that the messages were in fact sent from his number.

"Well can you tell us what we're here for?" Jacob asked, with an attitude

"I don't need y'all here! If you wanna go, you can go. I'm telling y'all I didn't send any text!"

Jacob and Victor headed toward the door but Tyler stopped them. "No wait guys! Look, we're already here so we might as well stay. Plus it's pass the curfew time...."

"I don't feel comfortable with him staying here." I said, referring to Victor.

He sighed. "For the last time, I didn't kill your father! I was set up!"

"Bullshit...." I mumbled.

"Look, we'll just keep you two separated for the time being, ok?" Tyler said.

"Do you think that's good enough!?" I said.

"We need to talk about this, Bren. Seriously...."

"Not happening." I told him. But then I started thinking, right afterwards. "Actually no. You wanna talk? Let's talk."

"Can we do it in private? I want you to know how serious I am, on a one on one level." He said.

I grabbed something that could be used as a weapon just in case he tries something when we're alone. "Fine. Let's go...." I told him and we made our way to the backyard.

Lugo POV

A knock on the front door, caused Shae to open it and Austin made his way in, out of breath.

"I thought you were still in the hospital...." I said to him.

"They let you out?" Bread asked him.

"No, I broke out. I couldn't stay in there for another minute." He said. He turned his attention to Shae. "What's up? You sent me a text telling me to come here-"

Shae groaned in annoyance. "I didn't text you! Everyone in here got a text from me but I didn't text that to nobody!"

We just looked at him, kinda on the fence on if we should believe him or not. He sighed then made go way upstairs. I decided to follow him so I can talk to him about this.

Jacob POV

Tyler got up and walk towards the front door, opening it.

"You're leaving?" I asked him.

"Nope, I'm just getting my charger out of my car." He told me before exiting the house.

"Alright well, I'll be in the back." I told the remainder of us left (Austin and Bread). "You think Lugo would mind if I smoke?" I asked Bread.

"Nah, he won't mind...." he told me.

I nodded my head and walked to the back, stepping outside and spotting Bren and Victor looking like they're in deep conversation. I walked pass them and stopped at the side of the house then lit my blunt.

As I smoked for about 15 minutes, I was done with the blunt. I heard someone step on a twig, causing me to turn around, only to see nobody. I sighed then turned back around only to be startled by the masked killer. He wasted no time stabbing me in the stomach and covering me mouth to quiet my scream.

I weakly pushed him away from me and tried to get away from him as quickly as I could. I noticed Tyler's car, so I made my way to it, crying in complete pain, as my blood leaked out, leaving a trail.

I looked behind me and didn't see the killer anywhere, but that doesn't stop me from continuing to go to Tyler's car, to see if he's there.

Once I made it to the car, I spotted Tyler sitting in the driver's seat. I couldn't really see what he's doing since it's dark, so I opened the door and my heart stopped once he dropped to the ground with his throat slashed and bloodied clothes.

I looked at him in complete and utter shock, until I heard a footstep behind me causing me to turn around only to have my throat slashed. I held my neck as blood poured out to the ground and I dropped to my knees before landing on the ground and taking my last breath.


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