Cell Escape

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Austin POV 🌤

"Austin, you have a visitor...." the nurse told me before letting him in.

I smiled as I laid eyes on him. "Bren...."

He frowned a little then pulled up a seat next to the hospital bed I'm currently laying in. "How are you feeling?"

I sighed a little then told him "I'm fine. I'm just ready to get out of here now...."

"I think you need to stay in here for a few more days, just to be on the safe side...."

"I'm fine Bren. Trust me...." I told him. I'm also feeling good that he really cares about me.

"You don't even know how worried I was when I found out about the accident."

"How'd you find out?"

"Your mom called me and told me. I checked on her before I came here because she was still extremely shook up when she called."

I nodded my head then started thinking about everything that happened last night. I feel like I need to talk to someone about how I'm feeling and Bren is the perfect choice right now.

"I need to talk to you about what happened last night, besides the accident...." I said, lowly.

"What's going on?"

I took a moment before telling him "I went over Reece's house last night to show him how much I really wanted to make amends with him, but when I got there I found him dead."

An expression of disbelief took over Bren's face as he shook his head, trying to find his words while his eyes started to tear up.


"I'm so sick of this shit!" He said, raising his voice and getting up from his seat.

"I'm just waiting for this whole thing is over and done with. It's taking a toll on me, both physically and mentally."

Bren sighed. "I haven't been getting much sleep. I just simply can't, knowing there's a killer lurking around. I'm just ready for the killer to get caught."

"Speaking of the killer, I've been doing some deep thinking and I think I know who's behind all these killings."


"The quiet one himself, Jacob."

He looked at me confused. "You think Jacob's the killer? Why?"

"Absolutely. It would make the most sense! He's the cousin of the boy who killed your father, Bren. I think he's killing to get revenge or he's killing to take his anger out on the situation."

"I don't know, Austin. I trust Jacob, so I don't think he's the killer."

"Well if you're basing the killer off who you don't trust then you must not think anyone is the killer."

"Not true...."

"Oh really? Well who do you think is the killer, Bren? Who don't you trust?"

He didn't respond. He just continued looking at me until something on the TV, caught his attention.

"The police are looking for the young man who brutally killed Charles Thomas, around this time last year. Charles was the father of Bren Thomas and husband of Roberta Thomas. Security told news outlets the young man who committed the crime wasn't in his cell this morning and they seem to have found an escape route in the cell. It has been reported that he may or may not had already escaped prior to today, due to the lack of inmate tracks they were supposed to be doing. I advise everyone to stay inside and if you see this young man, please speak up. This is for everyone's safety...." the news reporter said, as they showed a picture of him and his name on the screen.

I looked at Bren as he looked at the TV screen in complete and utter shock mixed with extreme disbelief.

I couldn't believe my ears and I want to be in deep denial but I can't.

"That sick motherfucker has been on the loose this entire time...." I said, lowly.

Bren then stormed out of the room as I tried calling his name to make him come back, but it didn't work.

I groaned in frustration. I've got to get out of this hospital.

Bren POV ☀️

I walked inside Lugo's house, in panic mode.

"Lugo! Shae!" I called out.

Lugo wasted no time walking out of his room and coming downstairs to me. "I just saw the news!"

"I'm going to my house to get all of my stuff. I refuse to stay home alone or even step foot in that house alone. Atleast until my mom comes back."

"I'm coming with you." He said as he grabbed Shae's keys.

"Alright let's go and make this quick." I said before we headed out the house and got inside  Shae's car. Lugo started driving quickly to my house. My heart is beating so fast, I can't even think straight at the moment.

Once we finally arrived at my house, I noticed my mom's car still isn't here. I got out of the car with Lugo doing the same as he followed me to the front door. I pulled out the house keys from my pocket then unlocked the door.

I opened the door and in the blink of an eye my mom's body dropped down and hung right in front of me, causing Lugo and I to scream in terror.


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