In The Closet

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Shae POV 🌑

I turned off the TV, turned off the living room light and headed upstairs to get ready for bed, since I'm a little tired.

I'm the only one in the house, since Lugo is currently at Bread's house and Bren told me he was going to go visit Austin, but he told me he won't be long.

I told Bren to call me when he's on his way back, but I'm giving him 15 minutes to get back since the hospital isn't far from here. It's actually only three blocks away. However, calling Lugo is my backup plan. I refuse to stay in this house alone all night. While there's a killer on the loose? Nope, you got me fucked up.

I sat my phone down on my bed, grabbed my toothbrush and headed inside the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After I finished brushing my teeth and scrubbing my tongue, I headed back inside my room to call Bren since it's been 15 minutes, due to me also checking myself out in the mirror and making faces.

I walked to my bed and noticed my phone isn't on the bed. I thought nothing of it because it might've just fallen on the floor, right? I looked on the floor and checked under the bed just in case, only to still be phone-less right now.

"I know I put it on the bed but lemme check the bathroom, just in case." I said to myself, trying to stay calm.

I walked in the bathroom and searched for my phone and I still can't find it.

My phone started ringing and it's coming from my room. I sighed in annoyance and walked back inside my room, but my phone still isn't in sight. In fact, it's coming from the closet.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion because I know for a fact I didn't put my phone in the closet. Who would?

It stopped ringing once I stepped in front of the closet door, with almost perfect timing.

I hesitated but reached for the door handle and opened the closet door, instantly seeing my phone on the floor. I picked it up and saw the notification telling me I missed a call from Bren.

"Oh, he must be on his way...." I said to myself.

I sent him a text, letting him know that I'm gonna be downstairs waiting for him to get here and I also sent Lugo a text letting him know Bren is on his way back, just to keep him updated. We need to look out for each other at all costs right now.

I made it to the steps and before I was able to go down the stairs, I felt a presence behind me followed by deep and slow breathing, that sent a chill down my spine, causing me to complete freeze.

I tried looking out the corner of my eye, but I couldn't see if something is behind me.

I slightly turned my head to peep behind me and once I saw someone, I gasped and planned on making a run for it, but the person wasted no time pushing me down all of the steps with all of their strength.

I landed at the bottom of the steps with a hard thud, causing me to groan in complete and utter pain. I looked up at the top of the stairs and saw the killer looking down on me as he or she took out his or her knife and made his or her way down the steps, not really in a rush.

I tried getting up, but it's really unbearably painful right now as I can barely move. I kept trying my hardest and is finally able to get up. I looked and the killer is halfway down the stairs. I quickly started running as fast as I could, which isn't very fast since I now have a limp.

I made my way to the front door and got a hold of the door knob but the killer got a hold of me and threw me back, away from the door. I landed on the floor and the killer started walking towards me, so I got up and ran to the back door.

Once I made it, I tried opening the door, but it wouldn't open and I started to panic even more. I turned around only to see a knife quickly on its way to making contact with me.

I somehow dodged it and ran back to the front door, opening it and getting the fuck out of the house. I  didn't dare stop running though.

As I'm running down the street, I almost got hit by a cop car.

"Boy you better watch where you're going!" Officer Tasha said after she hit the brakes hard.

"The killer is in the house!" I told her, out of breath.

"What!? Get in the car!" She told me.

I wasted no time getting in the car and she started to drive until someone ran in front of the car, appearing out of nowhere, causing Tasha to hit them.

"Oh shit...." she said as she took off her seatbelt and got out of the car to go check on the person.

I took this time to try and catch my breath as I'm still shook up from almost being killed.

I watched as Tasha started checking to see if the person is alright. I'm about to go see if everything is alright too but I got a text from Lugo, asking me if Bren and I are ok.

Oh shit! Lemme text Bren and tell him to stay at the hospital since there's a killer in Lugo's house right now. After I replied to Lugo's text, I started typing a text to Bren, and the car door on the driver's side closed as she got back in the car.

"How are they? Is the person ok?" I asked without looking up, since I'm still typing.

I didn't get an answer. Instead the car started moving and we were on our way out of the area. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I'm curious as to why she's just leaving the person out in the street.

"Um are they ok!?" I asked as I looked up and noticed the person who's driving isn't Tasha!

I started panicking once I laid eyes on the red and black mask with the long hooded robe and a blood dripping knife in his hand as he started driving fast.

I started hitting him in the face, causing him to start swerving out of control. I didn't care, I just kept on hitting him until he swerved on the pavement and hit a tree.

Everything went black.


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