Figure It Out

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Bread POV 🌗

"How are you gonna be walking around with damn near nothing on, and expect me not to wanna fuck?" I asked Lugo as I plopped down on his bed and laid back against the headboard.

"Sorry baby, I'm just not in the mood right now." He said as he started looking for something on his dresser.

"You haven't been in the mood for days now. You're killing me...."

He didn't respond, he just continued searching. I sighed then told him to "Come here...."

He turned around then walked to me, getting on the bed and laying next to me, on his stomach. "What's up?" He asked.

"I know you're scared, baby. But remember fear is only in the mind...."

"Not when the killer was in my house! What if I was alone at night and the killer came in here and killed me!? Especially if I was sleeping!"

"This is what I'm saying. You can't be scared of him....or her."

"I doubt it's a female behind the mask."

"I do too but we can never be so sure."

He looked like he was deep thought before asking me "You wanna know what's funny?"

"What's up?"

"After the killer left once the cops came, guess who chose the perfect time to show up?" He said before taking a moment before telling me "Austin."

I looked at him confused. "Ok? So what are you saying?"

"I think Austin is the killer!-"

I chuckled. "Come on baby lets not point fingers-"

"No, listen to me. Ever since Reece came in the picture he's been acting weird and not himself. He's kind of a creep now and a little on the crazy side."

I thought about that possibility and even though Lugo has a good reason to believe so, it still doesn't completely add up. "But if that's the case then why were-"

Bren walked in the room, unknowingly interrupting my sentence. "Shae fell asleep and now I'm bored." He said as he sat on the edge of the bed. "What are y'all talking about?"

"Well we're actually talking about-"

Lugo cut me off by saying "Bread, I don't think he'll be comfortable talking about this."

"Talking about what? Let me know what's up...." Bren said

Lugo sighed then told him. "Ok....well I was actually telling Bread why I think Austin is the killer...."

Bren then shocked us by saying "Ok so I'm not the only one...." relieved.

"Hold up. You think he's the killer too!? Your own boyfriend!?" I said.

"Just because he's my boyfriend doesn't mean he's not the killer! I just don't have enough solid evidence to prove it and get him caught."

"Well I think Reece has something to do with it too." Lugo said. "Austin has been weird ever since Reece came along."

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