"It was a pleasure to meet you, Cecilia." He gave her a small nod and led me from the house. His black car was parked at the end of the driveway, and he opened the passenger seat for me.

Alexander and Tab followed, climbing into the back seat. I let out a shaky breath, folding my hands in my lap.

The ride to the school was quick, Clark zooming down the long, winding roads. He pulled the car into the lot, parking as close to the front as he could. He got out first, first putting on his black masquerade mask, followed by Alexander. Both reached the opposite side of the car, Clark opening the door for me and Alexander opening the door for Tab.

Clark took my hand, his fingers interlacing with mine. The familiar tingling sensation returned, crawling up my arm and forcing my hair to stand on end. As his blue eyes met mine, my heart picked up speed in my chest. I glanced at Tab and Alexander as they made their way inside and then turned my attention back to Clark. A shaky breath escaped my lips.

"Ready?" His voice was soft and careful.

I gave a small nod and he lead me inside. Everyone wore masks. A chill ran up my arm, any one of these people could be an Atoner, watching and waiting. Clark squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Dance with me?" he asked, turning to face me.

I rolled my eyes. "I don't dance."

"For me?" He smiled. "You danced pretty well in the wood."

The woods had felt like so long ago, when we had danced in the illusion of his old house. How much had I known then? Nothing compared to now.

I sighed, my lip tugging at the corner. "Fine," I conceded. He lead me to where everyone stood dancing. I lifted my hands, placing them on his shoulders as his own pressed against my hips. I wanted to enjoy myself, but I was too preoccupied focusing on other things. Remaining aware, I tried to sense everyone around me. I could sense Clark's strong energy in front of me, Alexander across the room, and Andrea lingering with a crowd on the opposite.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Clark interrupted my thoughts.

"Probably sleeping," I laughed. "Why?"

"I want to take you somewhere." His eyes remained focused on me. The corner of his lip turned up into a smirk. "Someone told me it's your birthday."

My eyes widened. "Is it already that time?" I frowned. With everything happening, I had lost track of time. "What did you have in mind?"

"I promised I would help you train more," he said. I watched curiously, tilting my head to the side.

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan." I chewed the inside of my lip. "I'm worried, though. Even though the fae at the meeting said they wouldn't bother focusing on me, I have a feeling they'll still stick around. I don't want another incident like Jae or the ones who've been attacked. We need to figure out who's doing it."

"I agree." He narrowed his eyes as he looked over the crowd. "Perhaps we can do some investigating tomorrow, too."

I gave a small nod in agreement.

His blue eyes were serious. "But let's focus on now. Can you give me that?"

"I suppose," I murmured.

He lifted one of the hands he had placed on my hip and trailed it up my arm. I was glad I wore a mask as my cheeks began to warm, the familiar sensation returning where his skin touched mine. He hooked his index finger and tilted my chin up toward him, and I obeyed.

"Are you going to kiss me or keep staring at me?" I demanded, shocked at my own words. I didn't have time to have any regrets.

He shook his head and snickered under his breath. "Such a feisty, demanding girl."

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