"This is the Day the Lord has Made

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I will upload the link to the video later, but here's my thought.

  "To be honest, you guys are thinking to hard about this. If you are a light worker, then great, but if you aren't, that doesn't mean that you're not meant for something. We all are, and I know I am meant for something. Look around at the world, see the pain, the hurt, the miracles, the love, the hate, the everything. Only you can change this world, and I'm here to say this video is a piece of crap. Not one of us know if we even are a light worker. If you feel these feelings, get off your butt and do something. Listen to the world around you, but don't succumb to it. You're your own person, and let your inner light shine. Don't do for anyone, don't worry about being a hero, but do it because you want to. Do it because you have a feeling. Do it because it's the right thing to do. When you wake up, remember these very words. Our Lord is powerful, and he doesn't make a mistake. You're here to do great things in his name, and for yourself. Go to your calling, whatever it may be, and become who he wants you to be. You can't do anything on your own, but with the Lord you can do anything. I'm powerful, I'm worthy, and I'm blessed by him, because without our God, we'll be nothing.

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