"This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

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"This day is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
What does this mean? I'll tell you. It means that you should be happy that you're alive, because other people aren't here anymore. The same day you wake, another person has died. A funeral will be happening as I'm writing this. No matter what your circumstances are, there is always something. If you're poor, at least, you have a house over your head. If you're homeless, at least, you can still live. Others may be on life support, or have cancer, or many other illnesses. We are blessed to be healthy, so don't take it for granted. When you feel down and out, remember there always could be something worse. Plus, don't believe that you're curse, because that will only make it come true. Like, you'll see the bad in every situation, and that isn't what you need to be happy. The only thing you need to do, is try to see the light of the situation, which is hard. If LeBron stop practicing when the going got tough, then we would never have even seen this legend. He'll be working a different job like the rest of us, or anything could of happened. So keep your head up, and do you while remembering that we all have something to take pride in: our life.

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