3] Letting go

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All of Sanguinem's important and high ranking vampires had been called to the underground theatre for the Queen's new orders and announcement. Yuu had reluctantly shown up, as he was basically the queen's pet and he didn't want to risk making Krul mad. She could easily deplete his blood supply since she was his sire, and that's the last thing he wanted. When he sees Mika again he doesn't want to be a monster. Yuu ignores the silver-haired vampire waving him over with a teasing grin and instead turns to lean his sleeved arms against the rusty, metallic railing. 

Anticipation fills him up to the brim. Yuu finds himself subconsciously tapping his foot nervously against the red carpeted floor.

'Maybe we'll finally be let out to the surface and I can finally search for Mika!'  

For once in Yuu's life, he kept quiet and waited patiently as the Queen-his sire- stepped up to the microphone, bravely facing millions of vampires. The small but powerful woman lifted her arms out as if she was parting the sea. 

"My fellow vampires! It is time to hide no more! As one we are a strength that is unconquerable! We shall take over the surface world..by force!" 

She spoke strongly, voice unwavering, commanding and strangely inspiring. However, her grin was wide and menacing- flashing both of her white pointy fangs and enhancing the powerful determination in her deep, blood, red eyes. 

Yuu stood bewildered as millions of vampires around him cheered and celebrated. On one hand, he was elated with the chance to leave the underground and see the world above that he hadn't experienced since he was a young child. But at the same time, this meant a long and dangerous war. Death would be crawling around every corner - ready to attack when you least expect it. 

But if it meant seeing Mika, even if it's just for one more time, it was worth it. 


A/N There another chapter down! (even though this one was a bit short). Time to start on the next one and take a break, this chapter was kinda hard for me the write since I don't normally include Krul in my stories but I hope I characterised her right. 

Soon our boys will be seeing each other again ;)  

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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