2] disability

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It was hard enough trying to get through school with only one arm so how was he supposed to get into the Moon Demon Army like this? Mikaela felt useless, he felt like he was dishonouring Yuu's death. The only reasons why Mika wanted to join the army was so he could avenge his childhood sweetheart and live Yuu's dream of fighting the vampires for him. But so far all his efforts had been to no avail. Mikaela spent most of his days perfecting his grades and his physical skill. Advancing his physique at the gym every Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Guren had promised Mikaela a sound future in the army but yet it had been four years and nothing progressed since that day. Although he had conversed to Guren repeatedly about this, the stubborn man always said the same thing; "Make some friends first, then we'll talk. Brat." 

"mmrgh" Mikaela groaned and slammed his head out of frustration against his wooden desk, earning a few concerned looks from his fellow classmates around the room.  

'Nobodys gonna wanna be friends with an armless-freak like me..' The blonde boy sighed disheartened at the thought and turned his head to look longingly out the window. As his discouraged blue eyes traced around the luscious garden outside, Mikaela could only imagine him and Yuu outside, running amongst the bushy green land. Mika would find a beautiful flower and show it to Yuu, just to see those wonderful green eyes light up in wonder. Maybe they'd play hide n' seek or splash around in the smaller clear puddles - as they did back in Sanguinem- except the puddles would be warm and clear instead of cold and muddly. 

A soft tap on the top of his back broke him out of his happy daydream, Mikaela inwardly sighed at being brought back to harsh reality and turned to face the perpetrator. A small petite girl with lavender purple hair and a unique red-brown swirl in her eyes stared at him with a hint of surprise. 

"yes?" Mikaela prompted, he was curious as to why someone was actually paying attention to him. The other hesitated slightly before flashing him a small smile. 

"You were crying. Are you alright?" She asked quietly, as to not disturb the teacher's lecture. The blonde boy blinked in surprise before reaching a hand up to his cheek and sure enough, a small wet tear laid there. 

"O-oh..thanks I didn't notice," Mikaela laughed shakily while rubbing at his blue eyes.

'I must've started crying while I was daydreaming...' he thought to himself, smiling sadly. 

"It's rude not to ask for a ladies name, you know?" The purple girl spoke again, bringing his attention back to her teasing grin. Mikaela raised his eyebrow but nevertheless decided to humour her.

"Well, what's your name..?" he asked quietly, turning his body around to face her properly. Not too worried about their teacher calling him out. The petite girl stuck her hand out to shake, 

"Shinoa Higari, I'm an army surveillance officer." 

A/n If you haven't noticed yet, I'm a bit of a fan of chill music. Anyways about Mika's missing arm. Well, I thought I'd keep the fact that Mika lost an arm during their battle with Ferid, I wanted to change things up and keep Mika's point of view interesting. There'll be more details on their battle with L.Ferid in the future ;)

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