1] how things can go left

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A lone vampire draped head to toe in a white cloak- leans wordlessly against the plasma white walls of the empty building. Tufts of disorderly black hair jab out from underneath the pale hood of the cloak, easily giving away the wearer's identity as Yuuichirou Hyakuya. It wasn't abnormal to see this particular half-vampire completely neglecting his duties as a city guard in favour of spending time reminiscing on past memories from his human life. The everlasting burning at the back of his throat that never seems to be extinguished, no matter how often he drinks the queen's blood- another constant reminder of what he is now.
Blonde hair, beautiful silky blonde hair and the bluest eyes you'll ever see. That's what he thinks about. He thinks about those blue eyes and how much he misses them. 

Every day, Yuu would return to that giant white hall and train to become stronger, he'd wield his glowing red vampiric sword and practice working it, commanding it and different techniques. Yuu wants to be able to fight and protect Mikaela, he doesn't want to be left behind for being weak ever again. He can remember that day crystal clear, he recalls the hauntingly agonizing scream Mika let out after the rat-tailed vampire had sliced his left arm off at the shoulder. If Mika did make it out, he would no doubt be an amputee. Mikaela wasn't a vampire like himself- once Yuu was turned by the vampire queen, he'd easily reattached his left leg- but Mikaela didn't have that ability and the thought that Mika's suffering was because of his weakness makes him feel anguish and hatred.

"Ah..Yuu-Chan, I thought you'd be here-" 

"Don't call me that," Yuu muttered bitterly to the approaching silver-haired vampire. 

'Only Mika can call me that,' he whispered under his breath, staring sadly at the pearly white floor.

The very same vampire that killed his family insists on making his second "life" a living hell. The bastard follows him around everywhere, taunting him. If it wasn't bad enough that he was stuck in Sanguinem for the next three weeks- under the Queen's orders- he had to put up with this idiot. 

"Aw, don't be so bitter to me Yuu-Chan, you know I care about you. The least you could do is be nice to me, what have I ever done wrong to you? hmm?" 

Yuu balled his fists underneath the white cloak, this guy was seriously pissing him off. 

'If he wasn't stronger than me...' he thought with loathing anger of himself and Ferid. Yuu decided that it was best for him and his short-fused temper to cut his training brief and leave- as much as he hated the idea, he'd rather not be put in solitary confinement again.

Yuu exhaled slowly as to calm himself a little and walked straight past another vampire. Not even sparing him a glance. The sounds of his black boots hitting the floor a little too hard were the only silence fill. 

Determination sparked in his emerald green eyes and he gave a shaky grin to himself. 

'Don't worry Mika, I will become stronger, then I'll find you and we can be together soon.' 

A/N I hope this was ok for a first chapter, I think I got a little lazy towards the end there. Sorry for any errors and thanks for reading this short first chapter.  

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