Chapter 31

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Ophelia ran through the walk-in closet at her clothes. All new thanks to the house fire that left all her clothes chared or turned into ash she was looking at a whole new wardrobe. She grabbed a few outfits then placed them on the bed looking at them for a moment before deciding to get out to the kitchen and grab a coffee. she grabbed her coffee but not before stopping to look at the calendar hanging on the fridge by a bluebird magnet. Today is the day of her interview and the very first day of the year. With the new years came everyone's new year resolutions. She felt good. She felt better than ever about this year. She could only see could things ahead and the only resolution that came to mind was to make sure it continued. 

Returning to the bedroom she let her coffee sink in before changing into her second out of the options. She got into a crisp white button-up shirt and black dress pants. She tucked the front part in and turned looking at herself making sure she looked put together. "You look good," Eli said as he walked out of the bathroom in a plain blue t-shirt, jeans, and wet hair. He picked up the formal matching jacket to her pants and walked over handing it to her.

"You think?" he nodded with a smile as he watched her actually feel nervous for something he knew she would ace. "I mean I haven't had a formal interview ever. The job at Juvie dad got me and even then they just talked to me for a little bit while I got my badge and signed stuff." She turned back to the bed slipping on her socks before taking one more glance in the mirror.

"Ophelia...I've been out of Juvie for less than two months. I don't know much either. I do know you though" Eli walked with Ophelia out of the bedroom and into the kitchen going to the hooks on the wall that held their jackets. He picked hers off the hook and held it as she put on her boots. "You look very professional. You're the smartest woman in the country. So when I say 'Don't worry, you'll get the job.' I truly do mean it."

"Thanks." Ophelia quickly pressed her lips to his for a moment then looked up at Eli with a smile. "I'll meet up with you after okay? Mom will pick you up in fifteen."

"Okay." Ophelia did a small skip as she took her keys off the near hook and walked out of the apartment. She made it down to her car and drove down to the cafe' where she agreed to meet seeing as the owners building is still under renovations. After parking on the snow-covered street, she walked across and into the cafe'. 

The warm air hit her and the smell of coffee lifted her spirit. After she removed her coat and placed in the crook of her arm she walked up to the counter and ordered her favorite peppermint cappuccino. She watched from behind the counter as they put the cream heart on the top of her late'. When the barista handed her the coffee cup she took it with a smile. Turning looking around the room for the man she'd be meeting for her interview she saw no one fitting his description. She walked between the tables to get to a free table near the window. A small two-seater table she put her bag down and sat down. Looking out the window at the snow and sipping on her coffee. A small smile resting on her lips. Because the looks and stairs were far less.

She felt good. She felt happy and content. She knew even if the interview didn't go well she'd be okay. She'd find another job and she wouldn't worry. She had the money her parents left her but she didn't want to rely fully on money left for her. Especially since she still wasn't fully comfortable using it. She still was figuring out what she wanted to do with it.

"Ophelia?" Ophelia looked up at the man standing next to her table. She stood as he put his hand out. She put her hand in his and shook it. "Hi, I'm Marcus Casey." 

"Nice to meet you." She said. The two sat back down at the table. "Thank you so much for the opportunity as well."

"Yes of course... I mean for someone your age, with your credentials, and you have teaching experience. You're perfect for the position." Ophelia couldn't help but hear the hesitation in his voice. Then she felt it, in her gut a feeling that something was off. A part of her hated that she felt that...she wants that part of her life to be over. She never wanted to use that part of her self ever again. The side that knew danger all too well. "I'm not going to lie, I did see the trail, but we won't look at that. We'll only see you for your work."

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