"Farewell, little brother," Jaime says as he pulls away from the shorter form of Tyrion who looks overcome with a mass of emotions so befitting of his situation.

Tyrion sighs exhaustedly, his eyes almost welling with the emotions of a farewell that may mark its final time between them. And if this is the last, Tyrion has to remark, "Jaime, thank you. For my life."

But Jaime will not consider as much with anything more than a nod, jutting his head towards the stairs with a, "Quickly now." And just like that, the Kingslayer is gone in the shadows, and Tyrion's left to bare the light of discovery, or justice.


Varys rightly fears the worst when Tyrion Lannister delays his arrival from whence Jaime set forth on the quest, waiting at any moment for the bells to toll in the harbour and men to come rushing his way to arrest them all. But like the logical man he so is, the Spider refuses to be overcome with fear of the potential--not of reality--and instead takes to pacing the hidden tunnel with due fervor and listening for steps on the stairs below.

And though unnecessary given the look of both vengeance and fury upon his face, Varys is convinced of Tyrion's mischief moreso as he notices the large crossbow in the dwarf's arms. And though he's typically hinged in his well-placed mask, Varys trusts Tyrion Lannister more than he would like to admit, letting the shock and fear play across his bold facade and painting a picture of shadows in his lingering eye. His voice like a worried whisper, Varys asks, "What have you done?" But then realizes the danger of Tyrion's assumed crime, and pushes them on with a, "Quickly."

Tyrion trusts Varys and his self-preservation enough to follow after the Spider, deeper into the tunnels and catacombs of the Red Keep and in a long trek that leaves him shaking with adrenaline, prepared for the chiming. The worry wears upon his bones and leaves him aching of all sorts of pain, and he just has to ask, "Where is this..."

But his voice rightly drones off as they turn about a corner and Gabrielle Baelish is transformed into a creature of light--rather than shadow--as green sparks at the embrace of the fire and she stands to her feet, dress covered in dirt. Almost growling, she relates her own worries of capture, "It's about time."

"How are you here?" Tyrion demands to know, having been drug from the courtroom so quickly he did not hear of the fate of Gabrielle's flight. In the end, he'd just assumed she was captured and likely beheaded for the crimes of her doing, but standing here now, Tyrion suddenly remembers the almost insurmountable survival-instinct of this female and her skill in battle, as strange as it is.

She shrugs without regard at her own skillful escape, "Varys, of course."

Tyrion supposes there's truth in that statement, for both Tyrion and Gabrielle would have no route of escape without the blessings of the Spider. Turning his eyes to the spymaster, Varys is quick to prompt them onward, "Come now, the boat shall leave soon." It is only then that Tyrion notices the outlet onto the edge of the bay, near the docks where an escape is imminent, but guards are searching endlessly for Gabrielle. He hesitates to move after Varys, the Spider noticing and sighing, "Trust me, my friend, we've brought you this far."

And is that not reason enough to take faith? Tyrion supposes then that Gabrielle meant for him to 'take faith' in Varys, as she seems to reveal, following after the Spider without fear for her own safety. She wraps a cloak of Varys's offering about her shoulder, and hides herself in the shadow, quickly pulling Valyrion into her arms and hiding Trident in the depths of the nearby shadows. Of course, her cloak looks bulky and suspicious--at least to Tyrion as he places his own cloak on--but with the lack of moon on this night, the darkness reigns with the whispers of sin.

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