Paranormal Falls!!!

Start from the beginning

You better run, better run, better run, yeah I'm coming after you~

~Shannon and Taylor~

"Are they still behind us!!" Taylor shouts

"No!! We got to stop I need to catch my breath!!" Shannon says

Taylor and Shannon stopped I'm front of a huge opening of a cave. The two girls stood there to catch their breath when Taylor hears Jonathan's voice from deep inside.

"Taylor? Shannon?" Jonathan says

"Come on that's Jonathan, him and the rest of the guys are exploring this cave!!" Taylor says

Shannon holds Taylor's wrist, not having a good feeling about this!!

"Taylor we were being chased a few seconds ago maybe it's a trap for us!!" Shannon says

"But that's Jonathan's voice!!" Taylor says getting out of Shannon's hold and runs into the cave

Shannon follows after her unaware of eight eyes watching her from the ceiling!

"Taylor where are you??" Shannon shouts

"In the same place you are about to be in my dear fly~" Brock says

Shannon looks up at the ceiling and sees a huge Spider and it had green eyes like Brock's and then Shannon realize that it was Brock. But she also sees Taylor wrapped in silk and some of the silk was on her mouth and Ohm stood by her on the ceiling! Shannon tries to run but Ohm jumps down from the ceiling and grabs her and keeps her still  as Brock wraps her up in silk and then put some of the silk on her mouth to keep her quiet!

"Let's hope that Craig and Luke get the other girls and grabs them back here~" Brock says as he shifted back into his human form

Brock climbs the wall with Shannon and put her beside Taylor. Both girls whimpered as the monsters touches their faces!

"Mmmmmphft!!!" Taylor shouts

"Mmmmmph??" Shannon asked

"What we can't let you go~" Oh says

"Because we seen you girls and wanted you to be ours~" Brock says

The two struggled with the silk but it was tight around their bodies. Then their was noice at the entrance of the cave and it was Craig and Luke with Lil and Ruby knocked out in their arms. Shannon and Taylor start struggling but stopped when Brock and Ohm touches their breasts..

"Mmm!!" Shannon and Taylor moan not meaning to

Brock and Ohm smirked at this and squeeze harder, getting more sounds out of the two girls.

"Those girls seem to like your touches Brock and Ryan~" Luke and Craig say

"Yes and look how wet they are getting by us just Squeezing their breasts~" Ryan says grabbing Taylor's chin and Brock does the same to Shannon

"Well come down here and help us wrap these two girls up in silk and get them up there on the ceiling and then we wait for their little boyfriends to come looking for them while we wait in the shadows of the cave~" Craig says

~Brian and the others~

Brian and his friends were outside on the patio waiting for the girls to show back up from going swimming but it was now almost sundown and their lovers were getting worried.

"Maybe we should go look for them?" Brian says

"Yeah, because they are never this late getting back from doing anything!!" Tyler says

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