Chapter one

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Odd chapter numbers in Lucy p.o.v, even in Natsu, unless told otherwise

My phone vibrates on my stomach, sending a strange sensation through my body. I pick it up and turn off the alarm, never hearing the 'click' noise that others hear. I throw the duvet off of me, but don't hear the crumple of it as it lands on the floor. I stand up and stretch my arms and feel the tension leave them. I make my way to the door and leave my room, not hearing the door close behind me.

And no, this is not some dramatic scene and author-chan is taking away sound to emphasise it. I am Lucy Heartfilia, and I am deaf. I've been deaf for as long as I can remember...I think. I've never heard the voice of my mother as she sung me to sleep. I've never heard the loud, bustling noise of the city. I've never heard the voice of my friends. I've never watched a movie without subtitles, even though I can lip read. I've never heard the birds sing in the morning. And if I have heard these things, then I don't remember them...

I make my way downstairs, imagining a 'plodding' noise every time my feet hit the stairs. My eyes meet my mothers as she waits for me at the bottom. Her once long, flowing blond hair was cut short and tied in a messy bun. Her chocolate eyes gazed at me with love and concern. She was wearing a leather jacket, a baggy grey top and blue jeans. Despite being in her late thirties, she liked to dress young. Whatever that means....I don't remember how I went deaf, but my mother told me I had an accident when I was young, though she won't tell me what...

"Good morning Lucy." My mother's lips move to form the words. I smile back at her. I could very well talk, but sometimes it was just easier to smile. "I've made you some breakfast, it's on the table. I have to go see some friends today so take care of yourself." I nod and my mother smiles at me before leaving the house. I gently slap the sides of my face to awaken myself properly before heading into the kitchen.

Our house wasn't that fancy. It was just your regular home, or what we would call it anyway. The kitchen and dining room were merged into one and the living room was moderately sized. Though my dad owned a business, this had been the house where he grew up and refuses to move. I smile to myself as I sit down at the table and proceed to eat the toast that was neatly laid out on the table. The kitchen was what we'd describe as a regular kitchen, tiled floor with dark wooden cabinets. It was always warm too and gave off that freshly baked smell. In the winter we move the dining table and chairs out, put sleeping bags in and sleep in the kitchen. But of course, that was years ago...nowadays dad is always busy with work in the winter and is only home at Christmas, so my mother and I just turn the heating up and sleep in our rooms.

After finishing I stretch my arms again and blink away the tiredness. It was the first day back...back to Fairytail High....

Don't get me wrong, I love that school, but some of the people there are...well...not the friendliest. But that doesn't bother me, I can't hear what they're saying anyway, so why should I care?

I make my way back to my room, wondering if I should bother showering. I had one last night, surely that would be ok? But what if I smell bad? I quickly smell my armpits and sigh in relief when there's no bad odour. I can't be bothered to shower...

Once I get into my room I strip off my oversized, light grey hoodie and black shorts. I go to my wardrobe and pull out the first jumper-thing I grab. I'm not fashionably inclined ok? I then go to my drawers and pull out a pair of jeans. And just for good measure, why not a scarf? Ooh a pretty necklace!

 And just for good measure, why not a scarf? Ooh a pretty necklace!

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I thrown on the first pair of shoes I find and grab my bag. I place my phone in the bag and check I've got everything. Keys? Check. Pens? Check. Other stationary? Check. Paper? Check. Calculator? NO! WHERE IS IT!? I throw my bag onto the bed and search everywhere for it. Eventually I find it at the bottom of my bag...shut up...

I make my back downstairs and into the bathroom. I quickly clean my teeth and splash my face with water. I look at myself in the mirror. Is that a spot on my face? Oh well, I'll put sudocrem on it later (Me: SUDOCREM!!). I give myself a half-hearted smile, grab my bag again and walk out, heading for the front door.

After a half hour walk I make it to school. I sigh once before heading to class early. I have a friend, she just gets here WAY after I do. I sit down on my seat in the back of the classroom. This is English. I love English, here I could work in peace. I didn't have to listen to the rabble of the class and I could do what I love. Our teacher says I'm a natural at writing, not boasting. So I decided that I want to become an author in the future. It will be hard given my circumstance, but I won't give up!

I place some paper on the desk and start writing an extra piece. It's not going to be anything special...just something to work on during free time. I look up just in time to see the door open and someone walk in. I'm drawn to his onyx eyes as they quickly scan the room. They land on me and he quickly looks away. A slight breeze blows through the room, ruffling his spiky pink hair. He sits down on the seat in front of me and leans back. His very presence makes me shiver in a good way. I gulp once before continuing on with my work. He suddenly turns around, an annoyed expression on his face.
"Listen to me." His mouth forms the words. Judging by how they were moving, I'd guess he was yelling. "I asked you a question." I continue to look at him. Did he not know I was deaf? I'm surprised...I thought everyone knew.... "What's you name?" He asks. Wait....this is Natsu! Natsu Dragneel! The schools heartthrob! That explains a lot...

Natsu Dragneel has been the school's heartthrob for...well forever. A new girl every week. I don't get why girls constantly fall for him. He's turned some gay girls straight, and straight guys gay! Not that he's into guys...he made that clear....but that's a story for another time. I seem to be the only girl, no, person, in the school that hasn't fallen for him. Or at least had an attraction to him. And I refuse to have that changed! But because this is a story about me falling for him I am anyway! Yes I broke the fourth wall! Shut up!

"Lucy." I reply. He nods once then turns to the side and says something but I can't make it out. It just looks like his lips are moving up and down. A part of me pictures him as a fish, gaping it's mouth open and shut. The other part of me raises an eyebrow at him. "Sorry, could you look at me when you speak? I'm deaf." He turns his head to look at me before grinning and turning back around. What the hell was that?

I shake my head and continue writing. This is the first paragraph:

'Love is a weird thing. No matter how hard you protect yourself from it, it always brings down your walls, it always finds a way to hurt you, it always finds a way to destroy you. And yet, we all chase it.'

Yeah...this might not go well....


Mira: you're very loud...
Lucy: louder than Natsu...
Natsu: HEY!
Me: story suggested by Phoenixfirewing
Mira: and now-
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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