Chapter 32: Mindless Confessions

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He's not on his mind as well as me. But just like Erwin, I was at ease, at least.

"Are you kidding me?!" I removed my hands from his face. "You're not Levi!"

Okay. I just thought I was at ease.

"Oi, what are you talking about I'm not Levi?" He asked confused. His nose blushing red due to being drunk.

"You're not Levi! He- LEVI ACKERMAN would never listen to other's SHIT." I stood up grumpy and walked back to the sands, sitting on the shore. "Levi was a cold-hearted guy! He always teases and pisses me off! He's such a douche, he's sometimes a jerk, and he's my mean neighbor! But..." I sniffed, my tears kept on falling.

"But, what?" He sat beside me.

I raised an eyebrow, looking and analyzing him. Wait a minute."And why would I tell you? You're not worth hearing those words. Those are only meant for Levi. Go away you stranger."

"Like hell I would." He sighs and stares at the sky full of stars. "Nevermind that. Anyway, why were you crying?"

I sniffed again until I begun to cry again. What was happening to me? Was it really just because of what I've said to Hanji?

"I'm.... I'm such an idiot." I literally facepalmed and hugs my knees. "I should've told him how I feel! I should've told him before..." I kicked my feet grumpily.


I stared at him confused. "What? You're not considered as a human if you doesn't even know how to feel?!" I smacked him in the arm.

"Ow!" He rubbed his arm.

"Now, how does it feel?" I asked, with my voice being husky.

"It hurts, of course. Are you stupid?" He hisses and examined his arm.

"Then that's how I feel right now. Though, it's not physically.... but emotionally." I sighed.

"And why would you be hurt?

"After my friend bickers with her boyfriend, I... just recalled that I love someone who doesn't even gonna love me back. I just thought that my friend should show her lover affection than infection." Lol, what am I saying?

"Infection?" He asked.

"Did I just said infection?"

"Yeah. I think you're already stressed out."

"No. Nevermind that." Argh. I'm stating weird things now. "Anyway, I guess my friends were just lucky..."

"Then why don't you just tell him how you feel. He'll maybe understand that." He said.

Is this really him?

"I can't."


"He'll probably reject me, I told you he's a douchebag. Besides, I also can't bear that all he did is to unintentionally hurt me... though, even if it is... it still hurts, of course...." I continue. "Being unintentionally hurt is like being accidentally hit by a truck by a drunk driver or maybe falling from the sky with no one to catch you until you hit the hard, rough ground that'll leave you wounds and bruises."

"That's deep." He chuckled.

Another rare thing he does...

"Yeah." I stare at the sea, seeing ths reflection of the bright moon and stars. "But you know where it hurts for me?"


I turned to him with a bitter smile. I grabbed his hand and put it on my fast-beating chest "Here."

"Your breast?"

"What?!" I removed his hand immediately "You-dummy! My heart, obviously!"

"Oh." He said awkwardly. "But... you just said that you're hurt, then why is it beating rapidly?"

I sigh and stared at the waves. It's peaceful but I was sad. "I don't know. All I know that it's only beating fast if I'm with that person. That douche guy."

Silence suddenly wrapped the atmosphere until he asks not making an eye contact.

"What else did he do to you?" I suddenly felt the seriousness on his voice but found it still husky.

I looked at him who's playing with the sand in front of him while listening to all of my shit.

"That guy made me feel so confused. Sometimes... he's sweet then he's caring and kind,the way he treats me is very different from the way he does to others. But in just a minute, it's like that he hit his head on a hard concrete to even change his attitude into being so cold-hearted and jerk!" I continue and tears fell from my eyes once more. "I have fallen for him... but I don't know if it'll be worth if I confess the truth. Because I'm certain that he'll never return my feelings the way I do... if it wasn't for this stupid amnesia I had. I should've known more about him. I should've known our past because I feel like there's something more unfolded... but even if he's like that."

I turned to look at him only to be met by his porcelain face, inches away from me. "Then let me be the one to fulfill your emptiness. I was here, but I'm also not certain that if I showed you how I feel... you'll accept me. Especially if I confuse you. But whoever that guy was in fact a jerk."

We stare at each other's eyes until he put his index and thumb on my chin. Were so close just as when I felt his lips brushed into mine.

It tastes wine... a bitter-sweet taste that matches the experience I've felt. A taste that can make me feel happy and sad at the same time. Just like the confusion and the way Levi acts towards me. An opposition between hot and cold... or just like what it tastes like sweetness over bitterness.

We parted away and as I slowly open my eyes, I realize who the person was.


"It's me. All along." He said. "I've heard.... everything you said."

My eyes widened. We remained silent with eyes on each other for a while until I realized what happened.

'Another reason to be confused...'

'Or even my first reason to be fooled...."

"Wasn't it me.... you are referring to?" He lifts my chin up. "Tell me. Its me, wasn't it?"

"I-" I cutted off my sentence.

Perfectly Matched | Levi X Reader •AU•  (COMPLETED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora