Side Story

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Chapter XV.I:

It was the 23rd of December and I was happily putting up the Christmas tree. It'll be my first Christmas with my owner and I cannot contain the excitement that I am feeling. I've charted my whole schedule for this Christmas season: finish decorating the mansion on the 23rd, spend Christmas with my family on the 24th, then we'll have our little Christmas party here on the 25th together with Mae, Micah, Sebastian, his girlfriend: Yue-nee, and Jay, he's my owner! I could feel my face heating up. His full name is Simeon Jay Raye but I like Jay better. I blushed even more at the thought of him coming over.

"He'll be spending Christmas with me... well, he'll be spending it with us all but still..." I giggled at the thought.

It has been ten months since the first time I met him after living for five years under his wing. It was a long wait in darkness and secrecy. Now, I am able to see him anytime I want! He even granted me permission to visit him at work.

I smiled and raised my left hand in front of me. On my ring finger was a golden ring embedded with diamonds all over. "That's right! I'm engaged!" I thought happily.

Sebastian and Yue-nee or better yet Yukino Yue, who is not only studying in Japan but is actually an authentic Japanese by blood, are also planning on settling down once she finished college.

I smiled. I could still remember the time when I finally had my chance to meet my owner. Well it wasn't a perfect time for a meeting since he was enraged with Sebastian.

We went to a not so fancy restaurant after leaving school.

Sebastian was the one who fetched me from the rooftop as how he said it in his message. I could clearly see the beads of cold sweat that were dripping down his forehead and his clammy hands that were shivering.

"I think I made a bad move," was all he told me while flashing an awkward smile.


After placing our orders Jay started to scold Sebastian. Truly, he was like an older brother to him.

"You shouldn't have played such a stupid prank!" he started. "Can you imagine how embarrassing the earlier situation was for me?! Not to mention that I have a reputation to uphold! Being scolded by the school principal is not a good way to keep up with the expectations that has been set for my position. How many times have I told you that calling me out of the office for such nonsensical events is unacceptable?!" his tone was a bit different but still he has the same piercing ice-cold voice.

I can't believe it. The one I met at the Mega Casino was my and that outstanding establishment's owner. I know that I am in no position to be hearing any of this conversation but unethical as it may seem I cannot help eavesdropping since I am seated with them around one table. Honestly, though it should not concern me in any way I somewhat felt uneasy and hurt from his words. Hearing that he views me and my engagements as nonsense were not really that pleasant. I dropped my head and stared at my hands that we patiently resting on top of my lap. They soon balled themselves into a fist. I bit my lower lip to supress any possible emotions. I am well-aware that I currently am in no shape to act cool or composed.

"I've waited in the dark for almost five years, you bastard!" the words started to escape my bound lips "And now that I am finally able to meet you, you see me as nonsense?!" I was in an outrage as I stared directly into my owner's eyes. No matter how hard I tried I wasn't able to contain the surging emotions.

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