Chapter X

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Chapter X:

I stood frozen on my tracks. I cannot seem to move a muscle. His eyes were like daggers shot at me with every passing second; piercing through my very being.

"What are you doing here?" he inquired once more. "And how in the world did you manage to come here?"

I cannot seem to find the courage to answer. My heart was at my throat suffocating me. My rampaging heartbeat is the only thing I can hear, and my senses were all numb from my fear.

"What's the matter... a high school student?" a girl who emerged from behind the man asked in surprise. They must've come together.

"Should I call security, sir?" she asked while approaching the receptionist's desk.

I ran towards the elevator avoiding the man on my way. Luckily, he already stepped a few feet away from it giving me enough space to slip through.

I wasn't so sure of what I was doing but one thing's for certain; if I want to get out of here I need to find a way on how to make the elevator descend. As if the heavy metal contraption was able to hear my silent plea, it automatically closed its door once I've stepped on its matted surface and gave me the sanctuary that I was so eager to have.

I stared at the glistening surface of the metal door while gravity pulled the whole thing down with me. I unwillingly took a few steps back as my knees started to shiver and loosen up as the adrenaline that my body released earlier started to drain out. Panting, I took a hold of the metal rail that was situated at the middle of the contraption to steady myself. My vision was beginning to haze and I had to close my eyes for a minute or two to adjust it back.

When I finally felt the gentle thud of the elevator's base on the ground; I knew I was safe. The metal doors opened and I rushed out forcing my body one last time to move.

My pupils were still dilated when I made my way towards the crowded mall. A huge breath of air suddenly engulfed my lungs and gave me an air of relief.

"There you are!"

I turned to the familiar voice that was directed towards me, just in time to be smothered with a nervous hug.

"We've been looking all over for you!" She scolded with a shivering voice.

I have to say that I am truly relieved and happy to finally be back with my friends that I started to sob uncontrollably. Micah joined in the hug to comfort me and although I could feel their desperate want to ask me what happened I truly and grateful that they didn't.


"I think that would be all." I finished my recollection of my earlier experience.

Currently the three of us are seated at the food court eating our snacks. Knowing that the best way to comfort me if food, my best friends dragged me here earlier to calm me down.

"Really? How did that happen?" Micah asked while we ate.

They've ordered a couple of meals while I ate my take-out; yes I still have it with me even after all those action and drama and honestly, I am quite impressed with myself of how I managed to hang-on to the thin paper bag that held my take-out.

"I know it is quite stupid for me to answer this but honestly I do not know. It all started with my curious mind being curious and my stupid-self playing with the contraption." I took a sip out of my drink. "Believe me I've never been so scared in my life!"

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