Chapter 12 || Mend Your Mind Pt.3

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March 15th

   After the birthday incident, Bucky had fled.  He had run away, no where to be found.  He couldn't live with himself, the monster brewing underneath once more.  It left the team baffled, Wanda had taken the brainwashing away hadn't she?  She took away those words from him and yet, he was becoming what he feared most. 

Clint had returned from his farm to see the Avengers facility awfully quiet and slow. Jane and Sam were talking steadily, holding hands with barely a smile. She was distraught about her father's disappearance. Wanda had stuffed herself away, not talking to anyone as she tried endlessly to figure out what was the matter with Bucky.

However, Natasha could barely compose herself. She didn't want to let out her feelings, but at the same time she just wanted someone to listen to her and to talk to. That seemed out of the question as the group "therapist" had locked herself away. Jane couldn't help much, she was too concerned about her father to worry about Natasha's feelings.

Back in Wanda's room, it was dark. The blinds had been shut completely, no lamps on or anything. She didn't want bright lights in her face when all she could think about was him. She missed him. Perhaps she had been denying something all along. Could she be in love with Bucky? She had pondered on that thought ever since their eyes met.

She got lost in them and felt his pain that he had endured, but she knew she had barely scratched the surface. Wanda knew that something was there for him when he appeared at her door during the night in only his boxers. She had felt a burning sensation throughout her body and he left her speechless. But who could blame her?

Little did she know of the affair between Natasha and Bucky, in fact, she knew nothing of it. Though she couldn't help, but feel wanting to take Natasha's place in Bucky's life. She felt like shit for that. It was terrible. How could she feel that way? Natasha was her friend and she's jealous of her for no good reason? It made no sense to her.

What is wrong with me? It's not like they're together or something. It shouldn't matter anyways. He's just my friend. We're just friends and that's all that we'll ever be. But I have to find him.  I have to.  But I need some help.

   After wiping her eyes free of tears , Wanda put on her sweater and headed out to find Natasha.  She knew she was good at finding people and perhaps she could find Bucky, but she only hoped. 


Sam and Jane were seated on his bed kissing passionately.  Their kisses grew more heated and he picked up her legs and swung them over his.  She was a little shocked, but continued to kiss him.  Soon his hands rose to her hips and pulled her closer, their lips barely parting for air.  He smiled and pressed his lips against hers again. 

   His fingers grasped the hem of her shirt and started to push up, but she quickly pulled away, a hand on his chest.  "Sam...I...I don't think I'm ready for this."

   "Oh," he said, letting go and swinging her legs off his.  "Sorry..."

   " it's not your fault...I just..."

   "Jane, can I say something real quick?"

  She nodded, "Yeah."

   "Lately, I've be feelin' like you haven't...I feel like you're distant, you know?  Is there something wrong, Jane?  I know you miss your father, but this has been going on since we started dating.  I just wanna know if you're okay," he said, taking her hand. 

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