Chapter 11 || Mend Your Mind Pt.2

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A/N: I used former President FDR's Pearl Harbor address and it completely belongs to him. I in no way edited, changed, subtracted, or added onto the speech.



1974- December 18th

   Tanner took his pregnant wife Rose's hand, leading her towards the gravesite of his first love.  Rose had always been sympathetic towards him about Jane.  He told her stories about her, how brave she was and how she would die for things she loved.  Tanner had been so heartbroken about Jane's death.  He always worried about her and her mission, but she always assured him she'd be back. 

   The night he received the news from Peggy, it felt like his heart had been ripped out.  He cried for hours and hours in his and Jane's apartment.  The next day, he made it to the SHIELD headquarters in New York and met with Peggy who was deeply saddened as well.  Peggy was like an aunt to Jane and Dolly was even worse.  She had already lost Bucky, then Steve, then her spy partner Dickie, and then her daughter. 

   Peggy had to stay with Dolly, fearing the poor woman would end it all with several bottles.  The two became like sisters over the years after Bucky and Steve "died" and they were there for each other.  Dolly said when Jane died, "No man, no woman, should ever have to go through the total and utter heartbreaking pain of losing their child.  The moment they lose that, they have lost their own life as they know it."  She didn't speak at her daughter's funeral, she just couldn't.  It was too much. 

   "You really didn't have to come, Rose," he insisted.

   Tanner had grown out his hair and a full beard.  He was a cop now, a respected one.  He looked a mess and everyone knew it.  He had been that way for five years now.  He promised his wife that their child they'd bring into the world would heal him further, at least, he hoped so. 

   "Nonsense Tanner.  I know you need some comfort," she assured, squeezing his hand and staring into his blue eyes with her hazel ones. 

   "It's been five years, Rose.  Five years and I still hurt."

   "Tanner, you lost someone who meant so much to you, it's okay if it takes a long time to heal.  I'll be in the car, babe," she said, rubbing his arm.

   "I love you," he said.

   "Love you too," she said with a smile and walked off to their car. 

   He stepped forward to Jane's grave.  It reading:

Jane Myers
She's still smiling.

   "She was only 25 dammit.  Why'd you have to take her?" He said looking up to the sky.  "Sorry for cursing," he mumbled. 

   "She had a whole life ahead of her.  That sentence is probably right though.  She's still smiling, right?" He said with a sad chuckle, looking at the sky again.  "Yeah, she's still smiling." He concluded.  "I'll see you again one day, Jane."


2017- February 21st

   Jane sat down next Natasha on the barstool in the kitchen, nudging her.  "Another day, right, Red?"

"Yeah. Another day for Ross to bash the Avengers," she said, sliding her friend the newspaper as she took a sip of tea.

"You know what?" Jane said, taking the paper. "Screw him. And screw his opinions," she said and threw the paper against the ground. "Wanda's belated birthday is coming up and Steve told me that my dad's birthday is the 29th. A lot of birthdays this month, huh?" She said with a smile.

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